Reviews Software Reviews

Adobe Dreamweaver Review: Pros, Cons, and Verdict


Adobe Dreamweaver stands out as a pivotal tool in the realm of web design and development, having carved its niche for over two decades. As an integral component of Adobe Creative Cloud, it offers a comprehensive visual development environment at a monthly subscription cost, making it accessible to a broad spectrum of users, from novices to seasoned professionals. Adobe Dreamweaver CC is celebrated for its all-encompassing approach to creating, publishing, and managing both websites and mobile content, solidifying its reputation as an all-in-one solution for web designers and developers alike.

This article delves into the multifaceted capabilities of Adobe Dreamweaver CC, including its user-friendly interface, extensive coding capabilities with support for multiple languages, and its unrivaled flexibility in responsive design. Further exploration will cover how Dreamweaver CC integrates seamlessly with other Adobe Creative Cloud applications, the available support and learning resources for users, alongside a detailed examination of its pricing and subscription models. Insights from user reviews will highlight the pros and cons, providing a balanced viewpoint to inform the reader’s understanding and expectations of Adobe Dreamweaver CC.

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Key Features of Adobe Dreamweaver CC

Adobe Dreamweaver CC is renowned for its robust feature set that caters to both beginners and professional web developers. Here, we explore some of the key features that make Adobe Dreamweaver a preferred choice in the web development community.

User Interface and Workflow Enhancements

  1. Intuitive Layout: The user interface of Dreamweaver CC is strategically divided into various sections, enhancing workflow efficiency. It includes a sidebar for common commands, tabs for file management, and a dedicated area for designing Cascading Style Sheets.
  2. Enhanced Workflow: Dreamweaver CC is designed to streamline web development tasks, requiring fewer clicks and allowing for smoother transitions between coding and visual design elements.
  3. Responsive Design Tools: Users can create fully responsive websites using frameworks like Bootstrap directly within the interface, supported by visual aids that help reduce errors and accelerate development.

Coding Capabilities and Integration Features

  1. Comprehensive Coding Tools: Dreamweaver has evolved significantly as a coding tool, offering features like syntax highlighting, code completion, and real-time syntax checking. It supports a wide range of languages including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and server-side languages like Ruby and Python.
  2. Creative Cloud Integration: Seamless integration with Adobe Creative Cloud allows for easy import of graphical assets from programs like Photoshop and Illustrator, enhancing the design process and ensuring consistency across Adobe applications.

Advanced Features and Support

  1. Live View and Multi-monitor Support: The Live View feature allows developers to see real-time changes directly, simulating how pages will look in a browser. Additionally, multi-monitor support for Windows enables a more flexible workspace setup.
  2. Version Control and Collaboration: Git support is integrated into Dreamweaver CC, facilitating team collaboration and source code management. This is complemented by support for Subversion (SVN), enhancing its utility for professional development environments.
  3. Learning Resources and Community Support: Adobe provides extensive learning resources, including step-by-step tutorials that help new users understand the capabilities of Dreamweaver CC. The strong community and support resources further ensure that users can maximize the software’s potential.

These features collectively underscore why Adobe Dreamweaver CC remains a powerful tool in the web development arsenal, offering comprehensive solutions from coding to design and publication.

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User Interface and Ease of Use

Adobe Dreamweaver CC is acclaimed for its user-friendly interface, which is highly customizable to meet the needs of both novice and professional web designers. The interface allows users to switch effortlessly between code view, design view, or a split view that displays both, enhancing the flexibility and efficiency of the design process. Moreover, the Properties window offers a streamlined workflow by enabling quick modifications to elements directly from the interface, which is especially beneficial during the rapid prototyping of web pages.

The software’s robust feature set extends to its coding capabilities, where it supports a smart, simplified coding engine that aids in the efficient management of dynamic websites. Visual aids and predictive text with spell check functionalities reduce errors, while automatic code error checking ensures that the code is both functional and efficient. For those new to web development, Dreamweaver CC provides built-in code hints and the WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) feature, which shows a live preview of the code’s end result, making it an excellent educational tool for learning HTML and CSS.

However, it’s important to note some areas where user feedback has indicated room for improvement. The undo/redo function has been reported to perform inconsistently within the CSS Designer window, which could disrupt the workflow for users heavily relying on this feature. Despite these minor setbacks, the overall consensus from users highlights Adobe Dreamweaver CC’s ease of use, with many appreciating the comprehensive support and learning resources provided by Adobe, including quick tutorials and detailed articles on advanced web design techniques. This blend of advanced features and supportive learning resources solidifies Dreamweaver’s reputation as a versatile tool for web designers at any skill level.

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Coding Capabilities and Languages Supported

Adobe Dreamweaver CC stands as a versatile Integrated Development Environment (IDE) tailored for web design, supporting a wide array of programming languages and offering advanced coding features. Its capability to handle HTML, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and more, makes it a suitable choice for developing responsive websites. Furthermore, Dreamweaver is equipped with code hinting and completion tools that enhance coding efficiency for languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP, covering versions 5.6 and 7.1.

Enhanced Coding Tools and Language Support

  1. Code Hinting and Completion: Dreamweaver provides code hints for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP, which simplifies the coding process by suggesting possible code completions during the typing process. This feature is particularly useful for both novice and experienced developers as it helps in writing error-free code faster.
  2. Support for Multiple Languages: Apart from the mainstream programming languages, Dreamweaver extends its support to XML, JSON, SQL, and jQuery. It also includes syntax highlighting for over 19 programming languages including lesser-used ones like Bash, C, C#, and C++.
  3. JavaScript Refactoring: Dreamweaver allows developers to refactor JavaScript code efficiently. This includes renaming functions and variables with scope awareness, which is crucial for maintaining large codebases.

Advanced Coding Features

  • Emmet Integration: Dreamweaver integrates Emmet, a plugin that speeds up HTML and CSS coding by using shortcuts, which expands into full-fledged HTML structures or CSS. This feature significantly speeds up the workflow and is a favorite among developers.
  • CSS Quick Docs: Offers in-context documentation for CSS properties directly within the code view, making it easier to understand and apply CSS rules without switching contexts.
  • Pre-processors Support: Dreamweaver supports CSS pre-processors like Sass and LESS, allowing developers to manage complex stylesheets more effectively. This includes support for mix-ins, which are a powerful feature for writing concise and reusable CSS code.

Adobe Dreamweaver’s coding capabilities are designed to cater to a broad range of web development tasks, from simple websites to complex web applications. Its comprehensive support for various programming languages and coding tools ensures that developers have the necessary resources to create, manage, and deploy websites efficiently.

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Responsive Design and Flexibility

Adobe Dreamweaver CC provides a robust platform for responsive web design, a critical aspect in today’s mobile-first world. With features like Live Edit view, designers can immediately see how changes affect the visual layout in real-time, enhancing the efficiency of the design process. However, users express a desire for an enhanced design view that could display both browser and mobile versions simultaneously, which would streamline the development process for multi-platform compatibility.

Real-Time Editing and Multi-Platform Preview

  1. Live Edit View: Dreamweaver’s Live Edit feature allows users to see changes as they code, which helps in making quick adjustments without switching between files or preview modes.
  2. Desired Dual View: There is a user demand for a feature that allows viewing both desktop and mobile layouts in a single workspace, which would help developers ensure their designs are responsive across all devices without constantly toggling views.

Building and Testing Responsive Sites

Dreamweaver excels in building responsive websites, either from scratch or using Bootstrap templates. The ‘Build Responsive Sites’ tutorial available on Adobe’s website is particularly beneficial for learning how to utilize Dreamweaver for creating flexible web designs. Additionally, Dreamweaver provides the capability to modify Bootstrap components and utilize media query breakpoints to test various layouts, ensuring that websites respond well at any screen size.

  • Bootstrap Integration: Users can easily drag and drop Bootstrap components, customizing them according to the project’s needs. Dreamweaver also allows setting additional predefined selectors from Bootstrap’s stylesheet, optimizing column widths for various layouts.
  • Media Query Breakpoints: This feature enables designers to test and visualize how their designs will look on different devices directly within the IDE, streamlining the responsive design process.

These functionalities demonstrate Adobe Dreamweaver’s commitment to providing comprehensive tools for responsive web design, catering to the needs of modern web developers who must ensure their websites perform seamlessly across various devices.

Integration with Adobe Creative Cloud

Adobe Dreamweaver CC’s integration with Adobe Creative Cloud offers seamless connectivity and enhanced functionality, making it a powerful tool for web developers and designers. As part of the Creative Cloud suite, Dreamweaver allows users to manage their profiles and access various Adobe services directly through the Creative Cloud Console. This integration facilitates a unified workflow, enabling users to efficiently handle web development projects alongside other Adobe applications.

Extensive Support for Extensions and Customization

Dreamweaver’s API and the Common Extensibility Platform (CEP) provide robust support for developers looking to extend the software’s capabilities. Users can develop custom extensions using languages like C++, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, which can significantly enhance the functionality of Dreamweaver. These extensions can range from simple UI modifications, such as adding new items to menus and creating custom panels, to more complex functionalities like integrating database data into web forms or automating workflows across multiple Adobe apps.

Synchronization and File Management Challenges

While Dreamweaver excels in many areas, there are notable considerations regarding file management and synchronization with Creative Cloud. Files stored on Creative Cloud can be accessed from different devices, which enhances flexibility but also introduces potential issues with root folder paths when accessed from various computers. Additionally, synchronization of settings, including application preferences and site settings, is generally efficient but may encounter limitations under certain conditions such as volume licensing or proxy server configurations. This can affect the seamless experience expected by users, especially in more complex development environments.

Dreamweaver’s integration with Creative Cloud not only extends its utility by linking with other Adobe tools like Photoshop and Illustrator but also supports a range of web development activities through its comprehensive feature set. This makes it an indispensable tool for professionals who require a reliable, integrated web development environment.

Adobe Dreamweaver

Support and Learning Resources

Adobe Dreamweaver CC provides a wealth of support and learning resources designed to assist users of all skill levels, from beginners facing the initial learning curve to advanced users enhancing their web development skills. These resources are structured to ensure users can find help and information efficiently.

Comprehensive User Guide and Tutorials

Adobe Dreamweaver’s robust User Guide offers quick answers and step-by-step instructions for a variety of features and functionalities. This guide is complemented by tutorials that cater to different skill levels:

  1. Beginners can learn about defining page structure with HTML and laying out and styling web pages with CSS.
  2. Intermediate users might focus on creating responsive grid layouts and working with Edge Web Fonts.
  3. Advanced tutorials cover topics like JavaScript errors, CSS Designer, and using the Bootstrap templates effectively.

Community Forum and Troubleshooting Support

The Adobe Dreamweaver community forum serves as a dynamic platform where users can ask questions, share ideas, and connect with other Dreamweaver users. This forum is invaluable for real-time problem-solving and networking with peers. Additionally, Dreamweaver provides a DIY troubleshooting kit and specific solutions for common issues such as:

  • Installation and update problems
  • Setting up an FTP connection and resolving common FTP issues
  • Handling JavaScript errors and other common issues with Dreamweaver

Extensive Online Resources and Direct Support

Dreamweaver’s support extends beyond forums and tutorials. Users have access to:

  • Quick Docs: On-the-spot documentation access for streamlined problem-solving.
  • Adobe Help Center: Comprehensive support including email/help desk, FAQs/forum, and a detailed knowledge base.
  • Enterprise Support: For organizational users requiring a higher level of direct support.

These structured support systems ensure that every Dreamweaver user has the necessary tools and knowledge at their disposal to optimize their use of the software, regardless of their experience level or specific needs.

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Pricing and Subscription Models

Adobe Dreamweaver CC operates on a subscription-based pricing model, which can be a significant consideration for individuals and businesses looking at cost-effective web development tools. Here are the various subscription plans offered by Adobe for Dreamweaver:

Subscription Plans and Costs

  1. Individual Plans:
    • Monthly: $34.49/month
    • Annual (paid monthly): $22.99/month
    • Annual (prepaid): $263.88/year
  2. Business Plans:
    • Monthly: $35.99/month per license
    • Annual: Available through Adobe sales
  3. Educational Discounts:
    • Students and Teachers: $19.99/month (over 60% discount)
    • Institution-wide Licenses and Student Packs: Specific pricing available through Adobe sales
  4. Creative Cloud Bundles:
    • Single App (Dreamweaver only): $22.99/month
    • All Apps (includes Dreamweaver and 20+ other Adobe apps): $59.99/month for individuals, $84.99/month for businesses

Free Trials and Special Offers

  • Adobe offers a 7-day free trial for new users to explore Dreamweaver’s features before committing to a subscription.
  • Periodic promotions may provide additional discounts or extended trial periods, particularly during back-to-school seasons or holiday sales.

Comparative Cost Analysis

When compared to other web development tools, Dreamweaver’s pricing is on the higher side. For example, Sublime Text offers a one-time license fee of $70, which contrasts with Dreamweaver’s ongoing subscription fees. However, Dreamweaver provides a broader range of integrated web development tools and direct integration with other Adobe Creative Cloud apps, which may justify the higher cost for some users.

This detailed breakdown of pricing and subscription models for Adobe Dreamweaver CC aims to assist potential users in making an informed decision based on their specific needs and budget considerations.

For further details and the most up-to-date pricing, refer to the Adobe website:

Who Should Harness the Power of Adobe Dreamweaver?

Web Developers with Coding Expertise: Dreamweaver’s core strength is its balance of visual and code-based design. It’s great if you want direct control over HTML, CSS, and JavaScript while maintaining visual tools.

Legacy Website Maintainers: Many older websites are built with Dreamweaver. If you inherit such a site, Dreamweaver provides the ideal environment for updates and maintenance.

Designers Wanting More Control: If you’re moving from drag-and-drop website builders but want some visual guidance for code, Dreamweaver eases the transition.

Frontend Developers Working with Templates: Dreamweaver offers robust templating features for creating reusable website components.

adobe dreamweaver cc html editor

Comparing to Alternatives

Here’s a look at some popular Adobe Dreamweaver alternatives, including free and paid options, and how they compare:

Free Alternatives

  • Visual Studio Code (VS Code): A powerful code editor, highly popular among developers.
    • Pros: Extremely customizable, vast extensions library, excellent for pure coding power.
    • Cons: Steeper learning curve, less visual design-focused, requires setup for live preview and FTP.
  • Brackets: Open-source editor with a strong focus on web development.
    • Pros: Live preview for HTML/CSS changes, clean interface, lighter than Dreamweaver.
    • Cons: Fewer features compared to Dreamweaver, smaller community.
      Image of Brackets text editor
  • Atom: Hackable text editor from GitHub, similar to VS Code.
    • Pros: Highly customizable, strong community support.
    • Cons: Can be slow with larger projects, development is slowing down.
      Image of Atom text editor

Paid Alternatives

  • Webflow: Visual-first website builder with clean code generation.
    • Pros: Excellent for responsive design, rapid prototyping, less coding emphasis.
    • Cons: More expensive than Dreamweaver (especially for bigger teams), some advanced features require code.
  • Pinegrow Web Editor: Mix of visual and code editing, supports popular frameworks.
    • Pros: Advanced features like WordPress theme builder, multi-page editing.
    • Cons: Some complexity, may require coding knowledge for full utilization.

Factors to Consider When Choosing

  • Comfort with Coding: Do you prefer a visual-first approach (Webflow), or do you want direct code control (VS Code, Dreamweaver)?
  • Features: Do you need specific features like FTP integration, templating, or Bootstrap support?
  • Learning Curve: Are you willing to invest time in learning a potentially more complex tool?
  • Cost: Free options are great to start, but paid alternatives may offer better long-term support or advanced features.

No Single “Best” Alternative

The best Dreamweaver alternative depends heavily on your individual needs and workflow preferences. Here’s a quick guideline:

  • Beginner-friendly visual design: Webflow, Squarespace, Wix
  • Coding with visual assistance: Pinegrow, Dreamweaver
  • Pure Coding Power: VS Code, Atom, Brackets

Pros and Cons from User Reviews

Adobe Dreamweaver CC, despite its robust features and integration within the Adobe Creative Cloud, faces mixed reviews from the user community, reflecting a range of experiences and opinions that potential users should consider.

Performance and Feature Set

Users have reported that Adobe Dreamweaver CC can exhibit slow performance and occasional crashes, which may hinder productivity, especially on complex projects. Additionally, it lacks some features available in competitors like Visual Studio, which offers more advanced development tools and a more modern interface.

Comparison with Other Development Tools

Dreamweaver is often compared to other popular web development tools such as Google Web Designer, Atom, Brackets, Sublime Text, and Visual Studio Code. These alternatives are frequently recommended over Dreamweaver due to their lighter, more streamlined nature, and modern coding environments. Particularly, professionals in the web development community have critiqued Dreamweaver for generating bloated code and not aligning with modern web development practices, which has somewhat tarnished its reputation.

Community Feedback and Ratings

Despite the criticisms, Adobe Dreamweaver CC maintains a relatively high user rating of 4.5 based on 97 reviews. However, it’s important to note that the broader web development community often does not recommend Dreamweaver, viewing it as outdated. This sentiment is crucial for potential users to consider, especially those working in professional environments who may require the most current and widely-accepted tools.

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Conclusion and Recommendations

Through the comprehensive exploration of Adobe Dreamweaver CC, we’ve navigated its key attributes, from its user-friendly interface and extensive coding capabilities to its prowess in responsive web design and integration with Adobe Creative Cloud. Despite facing certain criticisms regarding performance issues and comparisons with newer, more streamlined tools, Dreamweaver CC’s broad range of features and support for various programming languages reinforce its standing as a potent tool for web developers and designers at any skill level.

In weighing the pros against the cons, it’s evident that Adobe Dreamweaver CC holds a significant place in the toolkit of those aiming for a harmonious blend of design and development functionalities, backed by the robust ecosystem of Adobe Creative Cloud. As the web development landscape continues to evolve, Dreamweaver’s adaptability and comprehensive support resources suggest it will remain a relevant and valuable asset for creating dynamic, responsive websites. Further research or shifts towards modernizing its interface and code generation practices could amplify its appeal to the next generation of web professionals.


  1. What are the pros and cons of using Adobe Dreamweaver?
    Pros: Adobe Dreamweaver features an intuitive user interface that supports drag-and-drop functionality, which speeds up the web development process and enhances efficiency.
    Cons: More experienced web developers might find Dreamweaver’s interface too restrictive as it may limit their ability to customize using direct HTML or CSS coding.
  2. Is Adobe Dreamweaver a worthwhile investment for web developers?
    Adobe Dreamweaver is a powerful tool for web development, offering industry-standard designs suitable for projects at all levels. However, it demands a significant investment of time to master and can be costly, which may deter users with limited budgets.
  3. Why has Adobe Dreamweaver lost popularity among web developers?
    Dreamweaver’s design, which often shields users from the underlying code, can lead to a reliance on the software. This dependency can hinder users’ ability to learn HTML or CSS independently, limiting their flexibility when transitioning to other platforms like WordPress or Drupal.
  4. Does Adobe Dreamweaver still hold significance in modern web design?
    Yes, Adobe Dreamweaver remains a crucial tool in the web development and design industry. It is celebrated for its ability to create responsive and dynamic websites, as well as for its seamless integration with other Adobe products, maintaining its relevance in the digital creation space.
Daniel Long

Daniel Long

About Author

Daniel Long, as a writer, delves into the realm of emerging technologies and business solutions, with a particular emphasis on optimizing efficiency and fostering growth. He educational background includes a Bachelor's degree in English from the University of California, Irvine, and he furthered his knowledge by attaining an MBA from Chapman University. This combination of expertise allows him to offer valuable insights into the ever-evolving business landscape.

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