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Adobe InCopy Reviews 2024: Pricing & Features

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Adobe InCopy, launched in 1999, emerged as a specialized word processing software tailored for the collaboration between editors and designers on InDesign documents. This integration not only revolutionized how publishing industries operated but also underscored the importance of seamless workflow in content development. As a powerful tool, InCopy facilitates copywriters and designers to work concurrently, ensuring that text placement on InDesign documents is both precise and efficient. Highlighting its versatility, InCopy proves beneficial across various sectors, extending its utility beyond just the publishing realm.

The discussion ahead delves into the comprehensive suite of features and the flexible pricing model that Adobe InCopy offers. By exploring its key functionalities, user experience, and integration capabilities with Adobe InDesign, the article aims to present a thorough review. Additionally, comparisons with competitive software will be drawn to provide a clearer perspective on InCopy’s standing in the market. This approach intends to guide potential users in making an informed decision regarding the adoption of InCopy as their preferred copy software.

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What is Adobe InCopy?

Adobe InCopy is a professional word processor, meticulously developed by Adobe Inc., and has been a significant tool in the publishing and design industries since its initial release in October 1999. As a part of Adobe Creative Suite and now Adobe Creative Cloud, InCopy provides an essential platform for copywriters and editors to collaborate seamlessly with designers working on Adobe InDesign. This integration allows multiple stakeholders to work on the same document simultaneously without overwriting each other’s contributions, which enhances efficiency and workflow in content creation.

The software supports a robust feature set designed to meet the specific needs of writers, editors, and designers. It offers three viewing modes—Story, Galley, and Layout—which provide different perspectives on the document being worked on. Story view presents the text in a continuous, word processor-like format, ideal for extensive editing. Galley view offers a similar experience but displays line numbers and visual cues about text formatting. Layout view shows how the text interacts with other elements on the InDesign page, crucial for designers. This flexibility ensures that all users can work in the mode that best suits their role in the document’s production.

Over the years, Adobe InCopy has evolved through various versions, each enhancing its functionality and integration with Adobe InDesign. From InCopy 1.0 released in 1999 to the latest iterations under Adobe Creative Cloud, the software has expanded its language support to 24 languages, making it accessible to a global audience. Each version has built upon the last, maintaining InCopy’s reputation as a reliable tool for collaborative document editing in professional environments where precision and efficiency are paramount.


Key Features of Adobe InCopy

Viewing Modes and Document Handling

Adobe InCopy is equipped with three distinct viewing modes: Story, Galley, and Layout. Each mode is tailored to different stages of the editing and design process. Story mode offers a clean, continuous flow of text, ideal for extensive editing without layout distractions. Galley mode provides a similar textual view but includes line numbers and real-time visual feedback on text flow and formatting. Layout mode integrates the text within the graphical layout, offering a preview of how the text interacts with other design elements in Adobe InDesign. This flexibility allows users to switch seamlessly between detailed text editing and visual layout adjustments.

Collaboration and Workflow Enhancement

InCopy excels in collaborative environments, allowing multiple users to work on the same document without conflict. The software supports a LiveEdit Workflow, utilizing plugins that enable writers, editors, and designers to work concurrently within InCopy and InDesign. Features such as file-locking, notification tools, and assignment packages streamline the collaborative process, ensuring all team members are aware of updates and changes. This system not only preserves the integrity and version control of documents but also enhances the efficiency of publishing workflows.

Advanced Editing Features

Adobe InCopy goes beyond basic text editing with features designed to enhance productivity and creativity. Users can access advanced text styling options, similar to those in Adobe InDesign, including kerning, tracking, and drop caps. The software supports a comprehensive set of typography tools, content import options, and object styling, which are crucial for detailed document creation. Additional features like a robust thesaurus, text macros, and dynamic spell-check ensure that both the accuracy and quality of the text are maintained. Moreover, InCopy integrates seamlessly with Adobe Typekit, offering a vast library of fonts that can be filtered and applied to projects directly within the workflow.

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Adobe InCopy User Experience

Adobe InCopy offers a robust user experience tailored for professionals in writing, editing, and design. This section explores various elements of the user experience, focusing on community support, functionality as a standalone tool, and integration with design software.

Community Support and Resources

Adobe InCopy users benefit from a vibrant community forum where they can engage in discussions, share insights, and seek support from fellow users. This forum serves as a vital resource for troubleshooting, learning tips and tricks, and staying updated on the latest features. Additionally, the Adobe Help Center provides extensive documentation, tutorials, and answers to frequently asked questions, which is invaluable for both new and experienced users.

Standalone Functionality

InCopy is not only powerful when used in conjunction with Adobe InDesign but also stands strong as a standalone word processor. It offers complete exporting capabilities and full printing functions, making it a versatile tool for various document creation needs. This flexibility is particularly useful for users who may not always require the advanced design features of InDesign but still need a professional-grade word processing application.

Integration and Layout Viewing

A significant advantage of Adobe InCopy is its ability to integrate smoothly with Adobe InDesign, providing a seamless workflow for teams. Users can view their content contributions within the context of layouts without the need to install InDesign. However, it is important to note that for the Layout view to function correctly, users must have the appropriate fonts installed on their computer. This feature underscores the collaborative potential of InCopy, allowing editors and writers to see how their text will appear in the final design, thus enhancing the accuracy and effectiveness of the editing process.

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Integration with Adobe InDesign

Adobe InCopy and Adobe InDesign integration is pivotal in enhancing collaborative workflows between designers and editors. This integration allows for the seamless operation of editing and designing processes, where changes made in InCopy are instantly reflected in InDesign. This synchronization is facilitated through several methods and workflow systems that cater to different project needs.

Workflow Systems and Methods

  1. GoProof InCopy Workflow: Simplifies the review process by enabling documents to be sent directly from InDesign for review, bypassing the need for PDF exports.
  2. Live Edit Plugin Workflow: Utilizes built-in plugins that support live updates, allowing multiple users to edit documents concurrently without conflicts.
  3. Assignment Based Workflow: Involves creating .icma files which act as containers for organizing collections of page items in InDesign, enhancing management and collaboration.

Editing and Content Management

  • Text and Picture Frame Assignments: Designers in InDesign create and assign text and picture frames which are then accessible for editing in InCopy. This ensures that editorial staff can focus on content creation without altering the design layout.
  • Linked Documents: These are content files in InCopy that are associated with an InDesign layout. They are managed through the workflow system where access is controlled, ensuring that edits are made only by authorized personnel.

Collaborative Editing Features

  • Multiple User Editing: Allows various team members to edit different stories or text frames within the same InDesign document simultaneously, which is crucial for large projects with tight deadlines.
  • Real-Time Updates: Any changes made in InCopy are updated live in InDesign, providing a dynamic and interactive editing experience. This feature is essential for maintaining the integrity and consistency of the document layout and content.

Through these integrated features, Adobe InCopy and InDesign provide a robust platform for collaborative publishing, significantly streamlining the editorial and design processes. This integration not only improves efficiency but also ensures that the final publications are of high quality and meet the required standards.

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Pricing Model

Adobe InCopy offers various pricing options catering to different user needs, whether they require individual licenses or enterprise solutions. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the pricing structure:

Subscription Options

  1. Individual Subscription: Adobe InCopy is available as part of the Adobe Creative Cloud All Apps subscription or can be purchased separately. For individual users, the pricing starts at $4.99 per month when billed annually, which sums up to $59.88 per year. Alternatively, users can opt for a monthly plan at $7.49 per month.
  2. Enterprise Subscription: For larger organizations, Adobe InCopy offers a specialized enterprise plan. The ‘Subscription New’ plan for enterprises is priced at $25.99 per month with a commitment of three years. This plan includes compatibility with both Mac and Windows, supports multiple North American languages, and allows for one user per subscription.

Additional Benefits and Options

  • Trial and Installation: Users can start with a free trial to get a hands-on experience before committing to a purchase. The trial version can be downloaded directly from the Creative Cloud website, and users can convert this to a paid membership at any time.
  • Cloud Storage and Tools: Subscriptions include 100GB of cloud storage along with access to Adobe Portfolio, Adobe Fonts, and Adobe Spark, enriching the user experience and offering additional creative resources.

Managing Your Subscription

  • Flexibility in Management: Users can manage their subscriptions effectively through their Adobe account. Options include changing passwords, updating credit card information, and switching plans. It’s also possible to install Adobe InCopy on up to two computers, with the provision to deactivate installations from previous machines for additional installations.

This structured pricing model ensures that both individual professionals and large organizations can find a plan that suits their specific needs, making Adobe InCopy a versatile tool for various editorial and design workflows.

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Comparisons with Competitors

Adobe InCopy, renowned for its specialized capabilities in document collaboration and design integration, stands distinct in the market. However, several competitors offer unique features that appeal to different user needs. Here’s how some of these alternatives compare:

Microsoft Word

  • Multi-user Collaboration: Like InCopy, Microsoft Word supports collaborative features, allowing multiple users to work on documents simultaneously. However, it is not specifically tailored for professional publishing environments.
  • General Use: Widely utilized across various fields for its comprehensive toolset, Microsoft Word serves well for general document creation but lacks the specialized design integration that InCopy offers with Adobe InDesign.


  • Project Management: Scrivener is highly favored for complex writing projects like novels or extensive research papers, thanks to its robust organizational tools.
  • Lack of Design Features: Unlike InCopy, Scrivener does not support direct text-to-image capabilities, focusing more on text management and less on visual layout and design.

Apple Pages

  • Platform Specific: Pages is designed primarily for use on Apple devices, which might restrict its use in environments that operate on diverse platforms.
  • Text Summarization: It offers unique features such as text summarization and robust multi-user collaboration, similar to InCopy’s collaborative capabilities but within the Apple ecosystem.


  • Team Collaboration: Quip excels in team collaboration and real-time communication, making it ideal for teams that prioritize interactive document editing.
  • Limited Design Integration: It lacks comprehensive text-to-image capabilities, focusing more on textual content and less on integration with design tools.

Enterprise and Content Management Alternatives

  • Paligo: This Component Content Management System is excellent for technical documentation and training content, offering single-sourcing content reuse and based on a modified version of DocBook.
  • LogicalDOC: As a Document Management System, it allows for efficient management of large volumes of documents with features like OCR, duplicate detection, and integrated document workflow.
  • censhare: This Universal Content Management platform centralizes content and automates processes across all channels, supported by a powerful semantic database and search technology.

Adobe Creative Cloud

  • Comprehensive Suite: As part of Adobe Creative Cloud, InCopy benefits from integration with other Adobe applications like Photoshop and InDesign, providing a seamless workflow not only for text but also for comprehensive design projects.

Each of these competitors brings unique strengths to the table, catering to different aspects of document creation and management. While Adobe InCopy is optimized for editorial teams working closely with design departments, other tools offer specialized functionalities that may better suit specific project needs or organizational environments.


Pros and Cons

Pros of Adobe InCopy

  1. Enhanced Team Productivity and Collaboration: Adobe InCopy significantly boosts team productivity and collaboration. It facilitates time savings and reduces errors through an efficient workflow that controls campaigns, enhances content awareness, and promotes team cohesion.
  2. Streamlined Workflow: The InCopy workflow is designed to eliminate the need for double-handling corrections, which not only reduces the turnaround time at each stage but also minimizes the chances of human error. This streamlined process is a substantial advantage in fast-paced publishing environments.

Cons of Adobe InCopy

  1. Challenges in Adoption: Adobe InCopy requires migrating writers, editors, and proofreaders to a new system, which can be a considerable challenge in existing workflows. Additionally, users unfamiliar with InCopy might resist adopting the software, which can hinder its integration into business processes.
  2. Limited Layout Capabilities: Unlike full-fledged design software, InCopy lacks layout tools, meaning frames cannot be moved or modified within the software. This limitation can be a significant drawback for users who need more control over the visual aspects of document creation.
  3. Not Ideal for Beginners: InCopy’s specialized nature makes it less suitable for individuals new to publishing software. Its learning curve and the need for a comprehensive understanding of its features can be daunting for newbies, potentially limiting its accessibility to a broader audience.

Who Should Use Adobe InCopy?

Adobe InCopy is strategically designed to enhance collaboration among professionals who manage and create content across various industries. Its core functionality supports simultaneous work without the risk of overwriting others’ contributions, making it an essential tool for certain professional groups and industries.

Targeted Professional Groups and Industries

  1. Marketing and Creative Agencies: These teams often require seamless collaboration between copywriters, editors, and designers to refine marketing materials and campaigns. InCopy’s integration with Adobe InDesign ensures that textual content aligns perfectly with visual designs.
  2. Legal and Regulatory Bodies: For professionals in these fields, precision in documentation is crucial. InCopy aids in maintaining the accuracy and consistency of legal documents, policies, and regulatory submissions.
  3. Healthcare and Pharmaceutical Industries: In sectors where the accuracy of information can have significant implications, InCopy provides tools that ensure the creation of precise and error-free documentation.

Freelancers and Remote Professionals

  • Freelance Copywriters and Journalists: Individuals working independently or on contractual bases with media houses or marketing firms benefit from InCopy’s capabilities to hook into larger projects seamlessly.
  • Public Relations Representatives: PR professionals can utilize InCopy to manage press releases and communication materials effectively, ensuring that all information is up-to-date and aligned with client needs.

Organizational Use and Deployment Flexibility

  • Startups to Large Enterprises: Whether a small startup or a large enterprise, organizations find InCopy’s scalable solutions conducive to managing their document creation workflows.
  • Deployment Options: With its wide range of deployment options including Cloud, SaaS, and various desktop and mobile platforms, InCopy meets the diverse needs of modern workplaces, facilitating both on-premise and remote work scenarios.

InCopy’s broad applicability across different professional fields and its adaptability to various business sizes and types underscore its utility as a versatile tool in the realm of content creation and management.


Throughout this comprehensive review, Adobe InCopy has been showcased as a robust platform that excels in fostering collaboration between writers, editors, and designers, particularly when working with Adobe InDesign documents. Its suite of features designed to enhance productivity, streamline workflows, and support a wide array of document management tasks, positions it as a standout choice for professionals across various industries. The ability to work concurrently on InDesign documents and maintain version control ensures that teams can work more efficiently and with greater precision, highlighting the software’s importance in complex publishing and design environments.

Moreover, Adobe InCopy’s adaptive pricing model and its integration within the Adobe Creative Cloud ecosystem provide flexible solutions that cater to both individual freelancers and larger organizations. While it faces competition from other word processors and collaboration tools, its specialized functionalities for publishing workflows remain largely unrivaled. As content creation and management continue to evolve, Adobe InCopy stands as a testament to Adobe’s commitment to supporting professionals in bridging the gap between writing and design, ensuring that creative visions are realized with both accuracy and aesthetic coherence.


  1. What is the price of Adobe InCopy?
    Adobe InCopy is available as a part of the Adobe Creative Cloud subscription at a cost of US$4.99 per month.
  2. Is Adobe InCopy beneficial for writers?
    Yes, Adobe InCopy is highly beneficial for writers. It offers standard word processing functionalities including word count, track changes, and spell check, making it a useful tool for writing and editing.
  3. Can you explain the purpose of Adobe InCopy?
    Adobe InCopy is a professional word processor developed by Adobe Inc. It is designed to integrate seamlessly with Adobe InDesign and is primarily used for general word processing. Unlike InDesign, which is tailored for publishing printed materials like newspapers and magazines, InCopy focuses on allowing editors to write, edit, and design documents.
  4. How do Adobe InDesign and Adobe InCopy differ?
    Adobe InDesign is used for creating the layouts of pages, including text and picture frames, within which InCopy users can work. In contrast, Adobe InCopy is a text editor that allows for the import and positioning of pictures but lacks the capability to create page layouts from scratch.
Daniel Long

Daniel Long

About Author

Daniel Long, as a writer, delves into the realm of emerging technologies and business solutions, with a particular emphasis on optimizing efficiency and fostering growth. He educational background includes a Bachelor's degree in English from the University of California, Irvine, and he furthered his knowledge by attaining an MBA from Chapman University. This combination of expertise allows him to offer valuable insights into the ever-evolving business landscape.

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