How To

Discover Photoshop: How to Easily Crop Layers in Two Methods

how to crop a layer in photoshop

Learning how to crop a layer in Photoshop empowers users to execute composite photos, swap backgrounds, and make precise edits on specific layers without impacting the entire image. The versatility of layers in Photoshop underpins a plethora of graphic design projects, from creating composite images and adding text to stacking vector shapes and engaging in non-destructive editing. This functionality enhances the ease of managing layers through the Layers panel, which facilitates the creation, concealment, and manipulation of layer masks, making it essential to understand how to crop in Photoshop effectively.

This article delves into two methods to crop layers in Photoshop, enabling readers to refine their skills in how to crop an image in Photoshop, how to crop a photo in Photoshop, and particularly focusing on how to crop a layer in Photoshop. First, it will explore cropping using the Crop Tool for direct manipulation of the image area. Then, it introduces cropping with a Layer Mask, offering a nuanced approach for those wondering how to crop one layer in Photoshop or seeking to learn about photoshop crop image in layer techniques. These methods serve as a foundation for both beginners and seasoned users aiming to expand their understanding of how to crop a single layer in Photoshop or how to crop only one layer in Photoshop, enhancing their graphic design projects with precision and flexibility.

Why Crop Layers in Photoshop?

Cropping layers in Photoshop is a fundamental skill for graphic designers, photographers, and digital artists. It allows for precise control over image composition and can significantly enhance the visual impact of a project. Here are several reasons why cropping layers in Photoshop is essential:

Enhanced Composition and Focus

Cropping can dramatically alter the composition of an image, helping to strengthen the subject matter and remove unnecessary elements. This adjustment ensures that the viewer’s attention is drawn to the main focus of the image.

Non-Destructive Editing

Photoshop’s use of layers and Smart Objects allows for non-destructive editing, meaning you can crop and modify a layer without permanently altering the original image. This flexibility is crucial for experimenting with different compositions and edits without the risk of losing the original data.

Specific Aspect Ratios and Resizing

The Crop tool in Photoshop provides options to crop to specific aspect ratios, making it easier to prepare images for various platforms such as social media or print formats. This is particularly useful for maintaining consistency across media where dimensions are critical.

Straightening and Adjusting Perspectives

Crooked images can be distracting. Photoshop allows for the straightening of images within the cropping process, which can be essential for professional-looking results. Additionally, perspective issues can be corrected, ensuring that the elements within the image align correctly.

Efficient Workflow Enhancements

Cropping layers can streamline the workflow in projects involving multiple layers and compositions. By cropping unnecessary parts of a layer, file sizes can be reduced, and Photoshop can perform more efficiently, especially with complex files.

Addressing Common Cropping Challenges

While Photoshop’s Crop tool is powerful, it traditionally applies to the entire canvas rather than individual layers. This limitation can lead to inefficiencies, such as having to manually select and delete parts of a layer to simulate cropping. Advanced techniques like using layer masks offer a solution by allowing users to hide portions of a layer non-destructively, providing a more flexible approach to cropping individual layers.

Understanding these aspects of cropping in Photoshop not only enhances the technical skills of users but also contributes to more polished and professional outcomes in their projects.

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Method 1: Cropping with the Crop Tool

To crop an image using the Crop Tool in Photoshop, follow these detailed steps, ensuring that you achieve precise and effective results:

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Select the Crop Tool: First, locate and select the Crop Tool from the Photoshop toolbar. This tool is essential for adjusting the overall framing of the image.
  2. Set Crop Boundaries: Click and drag the corner or edge handles that appear around your photo to specify your desired crop boundaries. This action allows you to frame the image exactly how you want it.
  3. Adjust Perspective and Composition:
    • Straighten Tool: Use the Straighten tool within the Crop Tool options to adjust the image’s angle. This is particularly useful for correcting crooked photos.
    • Perspective Crop Tool: For images needing perspective adjustment, select the Perspective Crop Tool. This allows you to alter the image’s angle, providing a new viewpoint and enhancing the composition.
  4. Choose Aspect Ratio: You can select a preset aspect ratio from the options bar or enter specific dimensions for width and height. This step is crucial for ensuring your image fits certain format requirements or aesthetic desires.
  5. Reposition the Image: If necessary, click and drag inside the crop border to reposition the image, ensuring the most important parts are within the visible area.
  6. Refine Crop Area:
    • Expand or Reduce Canvas: If you need to adjust the canvas size, simply drag the crop handles outward or inward. This resizing can be crucial when preparing images for different platforms.
    • Content-Aware Fill: When expanding the canvas or adjusting the crop, enable Content-Aware Fill to automatically fill in any gaps with pixels that match the surrounding area.
  7. Finalize the Crop: Once satisfied with the adjustments, press Enter (Windows) or Return (macOS) to apply the crop. Alternatively, click the checkmark in the control bar to finalize the cropping process.
  8. Non-Destructive Cropping: To ensure that the original image remains intact, uncheck the ‘Delete Cropped Pixels’ option. This allows you to revert to the original image if needed.

By following these steps, you can effectively use the Crop Tool in Photoshop to enhance your images, ensuring they meet both your creative and practical needs. This method is ideal for quickly adjusting the entire image’s framing and composition.

crop layer photoshop

Opening the Document

To begin working on your project in Photoshop, the initial step is to open the document containing the image or images you wish to edit. Here’s a straightforward guide to accessing your files in Photoshop:

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Open Photoshop: Launch Adobe Photoshop on your computer to start the process.
  2. Access the File Menu: At the top of the Photoshop interface, click on ‘File’ to expand the dropdown menu.
  3. Open an Existing Document:
    • Select ‘Open’ from the dropdown menu.
    • Navigate through your directories to find the image file you want to edit.
    • Highlight the file and click ‘Open’ to load it into Photoshop.
  4. Creating a New Document:
    • If starting with a new project, choose ‘File’ > ‘New’ from the top menu.
    • Set your desired dimensions and settings in the new document dialog box and click ‘Create’.
  5. Opening Multiple Images:
    • To open several files at once, go back to ‘File’ > ‘Open’.
    • Use the Shift key to select multiple files that are listed together or the Command key (Ctrl on Windows) for non-contiguous files.
    • Click ‘Open’ to load all selected images.
  6. Arranging Multiple Open Images:
    • To view all open images simultaneously, navigate to ‘Window’ > ‘Arrange’ > ‘Tile’.
    • This layout allows you to easily drag elements or layers between open files.
  7. Compositing Images:
    • For compositing, select the desired portion of an image you wish to use in your composite.
    • Click the ‘Mask’ button at the bottom of the layers panel to hide unwanted parts of the layer, focusing only on your selection.

By following these steps, you can efficiently set up your workspace in Photoshop, whether you are editing a single photo or working with multiple images for a complex project. This process is essential for organizing your workflow and ensuring that all necessary files are accessible for editing.

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Converting to Smart Object

To enhance the flexibility and non-destructive capabilities of your Photoshop project, converting layers into Smart Objects is an essential step. This process allows you to manipulate and transform selected layers without permanently altering the original pixel data. Here are the detailed steps to convert a layer into a Smart Object in Photoshop:

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Select the Layer:
    • In the Layers panel, click on the layer you wish to convert to a Smart Object.
  2. Convert to Smart Object:
    • Navigate to the top menu and select Layer.
    • Hover over Smart Objects in the dropdown menu.
    • Click on Convert to Smart Object.
    • A small icon will appear on the layer thumbnail, indicating it is now a Smart Object.
  3. Verify the Conversion:
    • Ensure the layer thumbnail now displays the Smart Object icon, confirming the conversion was successful.

Benefits of Using Smart Objects

  • Non-Destructive Edits: Make transformations such as scaling, rotating, and warping without losing image quality.
  • Filter Applications: Apply filters that can be adjusted or removed at any time without affecting the original layer.
  • Complex Compositions: Combine multiple layers into a single Smart Object to streamline adjustments and transformations.
  • Linked or Embedded: Choose to link external files as Smart Objects, allowing for easy updates or embed them directly into your Photoshop file.

Managing Smart Objects

  • Editing Contents: Double-click the Smart Object layer to open its contents in a new window. Any changes made here will be reflected in the main document once saved.
  • Replacing Contents: Right-click the Smart Object layer and select Replace Contents to update the Smart Object with a new file.
  • Rasterizing: If needed, convert the Smart Object back to a regular layer by right-clicking the layer and selecting Rasterize Layer. Note that this action is irreversible and will discard Smart Object benefits.

By converting layers to Smart Objects, you not only protect your original assets but also gain a more flexible workflow to experiment with different design ideas without permanent commitments to adjustments or transformations.

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Cropping the Smart Object Layer

Accessing and Editing Smart Object Contents

  1. Open Smart Object for Editing:
    • To modify the contents of a Smart Object, locate the layer in the Layers panel.
    • Double-click the Smart Object’s thumbnail or choose Layer > Smart Objects > Edit Contents from the menu.
    • This action will open the Smart Object in a new window, allowing you to make changes directly to the embedded or linked file.
  2. Cropping Inside the Smart Object:
    • Use the Marquee Selection tool to create a selection around the area you wish to keep.
    • Navigate to Image > Crop to crop to the selection.
    • After cropping, deselect by choosing Select > Deselect or pressing Ctrl+D (Cmd+D on macOS).
  3. Saving Changes:
    • Once your edits are complete, save the changes by clicking File > Save.
    • Close the .psb window to return to your main .psd file where the Smart Object will update with the new edits.

Using Layer Masks for Non-Destructive Cropping

  1. Apply a Layer Mask:
    • Ensure the Smart Object layer is active in the Layers panel.
    • Click the rectangle with a circle in it (the Add Layer Mask button) at the bottom of the panel.
    • A layer mask will be added to the Smart Object.
  2. Edit the Mask to Crop:
    • Select the Brush tool and set the foreground color to black.
    • Paint over the areas of the image you want to hide. Painting with white will reveal areas if you need to correct a mistake.
    • Adjust the brush size and hardness for finer control over the mask edges.

Rasterizing for Traditional Cropping

  1. Rasterize the Smart Object:
    • Right-click the Smart Object layer and select Rasterize Layer from the context menu.
    • This converts the Smart Object into a regular layer, allowing pixel-level edits directly on the layer.
  2. Crop Using Selection Tools:
    • Use any selection tool, such as the Rectangular Marquee, to select the part of the layer you want to keep.
    • Choose Image > Crop to crop the layer to the selection.
    • Deselect by choosing Select > Deselect or pressing Ctrl+D (Cmd+D on macOS).

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Tips for Effective Cropping

  • Non-Destructive Approach: Always try to use methods that allow reverting changes, like Smart Objects and layer masks, to maintain flexibility in your workflow.
  • Preview Changes: Frequently toggle the visibility of layers and masks to preview how changes affect the overall composition.
  • Shortcut Keys: Learn and use Photoshop shortcut keys to speed up the cropping process, such as Cmd+S (Ctrl+S on Windows) to quickly save changes.

By following these steps, you can effectively crop Smart Objects in Photoshop, whether you choose to edit within the Smart Object itself, use a layer mask for non-destructive edits, or rasterize the layer for traditional cropping methods. Each technique offers different advantages depending on the specific requirements of your project.

Saving the Crop

Step-by-Step Instructions for Saving a Cropped Image

  1. Exporting for Web Use:
    • Navigate to File > Export > Save For Web.
    • Choose JPEG High as the format and set the Quality to 60 for optimal results when using the image in email newsletters.
  2. Saving Changes:
    • After making your crop adjustments, click Save.
    • It’s crucial to rename the new image file to prevent overwriting the original raw image.
  3. Exporting with Transparency:
    • For images requiring a transparent background, right-click on the layer and select either Export As or Quick Export as PNG.
    • This method will ensure the cropped layer maintains its transparency.
  4. Using Layers to Files:
    • Another option is to go to File > Export > Layers to Files.
    • Select the PNG format and check the trim layers option to automatically crop the layers to the content.
  5. Keyboard Shortcuts in Adobe Photoshop CS6:
    • Use Ctrl+S to save your work directly.
    • Alternatively, use Shift+Ctrl+S to save the cropped image as a new file, ensuring your original file remains unchanged.
  6. Committing the Crop:
    • Before saving, make sure to commit the crop by pressing Enter or clicking the tick mark in the options bar.
  7. Creating Custom Crop Presets:
    • In Photoshop CC, after setting your crop, navigate to the preset dropdown in the options bar and select New Crop Preset to save these settings for future use.
  8. Cropping to a New File:
    • Use the Selection Tool (Marquee) to select the desired area.
    • Choose EDIT > COPY and paste it into a new tab to work with the cropped area separately.
  9. Hotkey for Duplicating Files:
    • Create a hotkey for duplicating the file which allows creating multiple copies before making any crop adjustments.
  10. Multiple Methods for Saving:
  • Explore various methods like cropping and reverting, or using the copy/paste technique to save cropped images as new files, providing flexibility in managing edits.

By following these guidelines, users can efficiently manage their cropping tasks in Photoshop, ensuring high-quality results and maintaining the integrity of the original files.

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Method 2: Cropping with a Layer Mask

Step-by-Step Instructions for Using a Layer Mask to Crop a Layer

  1. Select the Layer:
    • In the Layers panel, click on the layer you wish to crop.
  2. Add a Layer Mask:
    • Click the ‘Add Layer Mask’ icon at the bottom of the Layers panel. This action adds a white mask to the layer, indicating that all parts of the layer are visible.
  3. Paint the Mask:
    • Select the Brush Tool (B) from the toolbar.
    • Set the foreground color to black to hide areas of the layer.
    • Paint over the areas you want to hide. These areas will not be deleted but hidden, allowing for adjustments later if necessary.
  4. Refine the Mask:
    • Adjust the brush size, hardness, and opacity to achieve more precise control over the mask edges.
    • Switch the foreground color to white to reveal any areas you may have accidentally hidden.
  5. Apply or Delete the Mask:
    • To finalize the changes, right-click the layer mask icon and select ‘Apply Layer Mask’ to merge the mask with the layer.
    • If you need to remove the mask without applying, choose ‘Delete Layer Mask’ from the right-click menu.

Using Advanced Masking Tools for Precision

  • Quick Masks:
    • Press the ‘Q’ key to enter Quick Mask mode, allowing you to paint over the areas to be masked.
    • Exit Quick Mask mode by pressing ‘Q’ again, which converts the painted area into a selection.
  • Vector Masks:
    • Add a Vector Mask for crisp, clean edges by selecting the layer and clicking the ‘Add Vector Mask’ icon.
    • Use the Pen Tool (P) to draw paths around the areas you want to keep visible.
  • Clipping Masks:
    • Create a new layer above the one you want to crop.
    • Use the shape tools or Pen Tool to create a shape in the new layer.
    • Right-click the new layer and select ‘Create Clipping Mask’. This uses the shape to define visible areas of the underlying layer.

Tips for Effective Layer Mask Cropping

  • Toggle Mask Visibility:
    • Shift-click the layer mask icon to temporarily disable the mask. This is useful for comparing the before and after effects of your masking.
  • Adjust Mask Properties:
    • Double-click the layer mask icon to

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Selecting and Masking the Layer

To crop a single layer using a layer mask in Photoshop, the process involves selecting the specific area of the layer you want to retain and applying adjustments through the Select and Mask workspace. Here are the steps to achieve precise cropping of a layer:

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Launch the Select and Mask Workspace:
    • Activate one of the selection tools such as the Object Selection, Quick Selection, Magic Wand, Lasso, or Marquee.
    • With the desired layer selected, go to the options bar and click on ‘Select and Mask’.
  2. Refine the Selection:
    • Within the Select and Mask workspace, experiment with different View Mode settings to see your selection in various contexts like Onion Skin, Marching Ants, Overlay, On Black, On White, Black & White, and On Layers. This helps in accurately defining the area to keep.
  3. Output the Refined Selection:
    • After adjusting the selection to your satisfaction, decide how you want to output the selection. You can choose to output it directly as a new layer mask on the current layer, create a new layer, or even a new document with just the selected area.
  4. Resize the Layer Mask (if necessary):
    • If the selection needs further adjustment, you can resize the layer mask by selecting it in the layers panel and using transform controls (Ctrl+T or Cmd+T) to precisely fit the crop to your needs.

Tips for Effective Masking

  • Feather the Edges: To avoid harsh transitions, adjust the feathering of the selection in the Select and Mask settings to soften the edges.
  • Use Brush Tools: In the mask, use brush tools to manually refine the mask by painting with black (to hide) and white (to reveal).
  • Preview Adjustments: Toggle the visibility of the layer mask to compare the before and after effects of your adjustments, ensuring the crop aligns with your project’s requirements.

By following these detailed steps, you can effectively crop a single layer in Photoshop using a layer mask, allowing for non-destructive edits and precise control over the image composition.

how to crop a layer in photoshop

Repositioning and Adjusting Layer Size

To effectively reposition and adjust the size of a layer in Photoshop, follow these detailed steps to ensure precision and maintain the quality of your image:

Utilizing the Free Transform Tool

  1. Activate Free Transform: Select the layer you wish to modify, then press Ctrl+T (Command+T on Mac) to activate the Free Transform tool.
  2. Maintain Proportions: While resizing, hold the Shift key to keep the original proportions of the layer. This prevents any distortion.
  3. Enter Exact Dimensions: For precise adjustments, you can manually enter percentages for Width and Height in the options bar while the Transform controls are visible.
  4. Apply Transformations: Confirm the adjustments by pressing Enter or by clicking the checkmark in the options bar.

Adjusting Layer Size with Move Tool

  • Enable Transform Controls: With the Move tool (V) selected, ensure ‘Show Transform Controls’ is checked in the Options bar.
  • Resize Directly on Canvas: Click and drag the handles of the bounding box to adjust the size. Use the corner handles for uniform scaling.
  • Lock Dimensions: To lock the width and height proportions, click the link icon between the width and height input fields in the options bar.

Managing Layers and Dimensions

ActionKeyboard ShortcutDescription
Activate TransformCtrl+T (Cmd+T)Initiates Free Transform for selected layer.
Lock/Unlock ProportionsShift key (hold)Maintains aspect ratio during resizing.
Reset TransformRight-click > Reset TransformReverts to the original layer size.
Numeric AdjustmentDirect input in Options barAllows precise dimension control.

Special Considerations

  • Resizing a Cropped Layer: After cropping a layer, you can adjust the size by selecting the Crop tool again and choosing ‘Resize’ to modify the cropping frame.
  • Gradient Fill Adjustment: For Gradient Fill layers, double-click the layer thumbnail to open the gradient editor and adjust the scale and position of the gradient.
  • Image Quality: If resizing affects image quality, modify the ‘Image Interpolation’ setting in Preferences to ‘Nearest Neighbor’ for less distortion.

By utilizing these methods, you can accurately reposition and resize layers in Photoshop, enhancing your project’s overall composition and effectiveness.

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Expanding Your Skills

To further enhance your proficiency in Photoshop, it’s essential to explore various advanced features and techniques that can significantly improve the quality and efficiency of your work. Here’s a structured approach to expanding your skills in Photoshop, focusing on advanced editing techniques, exploring new tools, and utilizing Photoshop’s vast capabilities for professional results.

Advanced Image Adjustment Techniques

  1. Brightness and Contrast Adjustments:
    • Navigate to Image > Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast to fine-tune the lightness and contrast levels of your image.
    • These adjustments are applied directly to the selected layer, allowing precise control over the image’s appearance.
  2. Enhancing Colors with Vibrance:
    • To boost the intensity of muted colors without affecting the overall balance, go to Image > Adjustments > Vibrance.
    • Adjust the Vibrance slider to enhance colors subtly and maintain natural skin tones.
  3. Targeted Hue and Saturation Editing:
    • For specific color modifications, access Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation.
    • Use the dropdown menu to select a color range and adjust the hue, saturation, and lightness sliders to achieve the desired effect.

Utilizing Adjustment Layers for Non-Destructive Edits

  • Adding an Adjustment Layer:
    • In the Layers panel, select the image layer you want to modify.
    • Click on the New Adjustment Layer icon and choose the type of adjustment you need.
    • This method ensures that your original image remains unaltered, providing flexibility to tweak settings anytime.

Customizing Workspace and Tools

  • Adapting the Workspace:
    • Customize the Photoshop interface by arranging panels and toolbars to suit your specific needs, enhancing workflow efficiency.
  • Essential Tools for Advanced Editing:
    • Familiarize yourself with tools such as the Crop Tool, Spot Healing Brush, Clone Stamp, and the powerful Levels and Curves adjustments for precise editing.

Mastering Color Correction and Filters

  • Color Correction Techniques:
    • Use adjustment layers to modify contrast, saturation, brightness, and hue, crucial for achieving professional-grade color balance.
  • Applying Advanced Filters:
    • Explore filters like High Pass and Unsharp Mask for sharpening, and the Reduce Noise filter for cleaner image output.

Techniques for Creative Expression and Efficiency

  • Creating Unique Styles:
    • Combine various editing tools to develop unique styles and themes that stand out.
  • Batch Processing:
    • Apply adjustments to multiple images simultaneously through batch processing, significantly saving time and ensuring consistency across a series of photos.

Learning Resources and Practice

  • Online Tutorials and Videos:
    • Leverage online resources such as video tutorials to learn new techniques. For instance, watch helpful guides on opening images and creating new documents to strengthen your foundational skills.
  • Experimentation:
    • Regular practice and experimentation with different brushes, tools, and techniques are key to understanding Photoshop’s full potential and developing your unique style.

By integrating these advanced techniques and tools into your Photoshop skillset, you not only enhance your ability to produce high-quality work but also improve your efficiency and adaptability to various project requirements.


Through the exploration of two fundamental techniques for cropping layers in Photoshop, this article has equipped readers with the knowledge and skills to enhance their graphic design and photo editing endeavors. Whether utilizing the traditional Crop Tool for a straightforward approach or employing Layer Masks for a more nuanced and non-destructive method, users can now navigate Photoshop with greater confidence and precision. The significance of these methods transcends basic image editing, offering creative freedom and improved workflow efficiency for projects ranging from simple edits to complex compositions.

The broader implications of mastering cropping techniques in Photoshop extend beyond the mechanics of the software, encouraging a deeper understanding of visual composition and design principles. By applying these skills, users can significantly uplift the quality of their work, creating impactful and visually appealing outputs. For those seeking to push their capabilities further, continued experimentation and the pursuit of advanced Photoshop techniques remain invaluable. As we conclude, remember that proficiency in such tools not only enhances one’s technical repertoire but also opens up new avenues for creative expression and professional growth.


Q: What is the process for cropping multiple layers simultaneously in Photoshop?
A: To crop several layers at once, first select all the desired layers in the Layers panel. Then, if you’re using a PC, press Ctrl + Alt + C, or if you’re on a Mac, press Cmd + Option + C. This action will put a cropping border around all the selected layers, which you can then modify and resize according to your needs.

Q: Can I batch crop images or layers in Photoshop?
A: Yes, it’s possible to crop multiple images or layers at the same time in Photoshop. To do this, select all the layers, shapes, or images you wish to crop and navigate to Image > Crop All. This will crop all the selected items together.

Q: How can I crop a single layer within Photoshop?
A: To crop an individual layer in Photoshop, follow these steps:

  1. Choose the layer you want to crop.
  2. Select the Rectangular Marquee Tool from the tool menu.
  3. Highlight the area you wish to retain.
  4. Use the Transform Selection option to adjust your chosen area.
  5. Invert the selection to isolate the unwanted region.
  6. Execute the crop command to remove the excess area.
  7. Deselect to remove the marquee lines.

Q: What are the steps for freeform cropping in Photoshop?
A: For freeform cropping in Photoshop, here’s what you need to do:

  1. Add a new layer to your project.
  2. Find and select the Rounded Rectangle Tool by pressing U on your keyboard.
  3. Set a fill color for the shape you’ll draw.
  4. Draw the desired shape for your image.
  5. Command-click (Mac) or Ctrl-click (PC) on the layer thumbnail to select the shape you’ve drawn.
  6. Choose the layer with the image you want to crop and click on ‘Create New Mask’ at the bottom of the Layers panel.
  7. Delete the shape layer you initially created, leaving you with the cropped image.
Daniel Long

Daniel Long

About Author

Daniel Long, as a writer, delves into the realm of emerging technologies and business solutions, with a particular emphasis on optimizing efficiency and fostering growth. He educational background includes a Bachelor's degree in English from the University of California, Irvine, and he furthered his knowledge by attaining an MBA from Chapman University. This combination of expertise allows him to offer valuable insights into the ever-evolving business landscape.

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