How To

How to Use Lightroom Classic: A Beginner’s Guide to Stunning Photos

Lightroom Classic vs Lightroom C

Navigating through the vast world of photo editing software can be daunting for beginners, but Adobe Lightroom Classic stands out as a robust solution for post-processing and organizing photos. It’s a desktop application that offers non-destructive editing, allowing photographers to enhance images without altering the original file. Essential for those keen on learning how to use Lightroom Classic, this guide delves into the basics, from sorting and editing to exporting your photographs, making it an indispensable resource for anyone looking to master this powerful tool.

Aimed at beginners, the subsequent sections of this article are designed to provide a comprehensive Lightroom tutorial for beginners, covering everything from the initial setup of Adobe Lightroom Classic to more complex editing techniques such as how to use presets, brushes, tone curve, and graduated filter in Lightroom Classic. By following this Lightroom user guide, readers will not only learn the lightroom basics but also explore advanced editing strategies, ensuring a thorough understanding of how to edit photos in Lightroom Classic for stunning results.

Why Choose Lightroom Classic?

Lightroom Classic is widely recognized as the preferred choice for both novice and seasoned photographers due to its comprehensive suite of tools and user-friendly interface. This section explores the key features and benefits that make Lightroom Classic a standout choice in photo editing software.

User-Friendly Interface and Comprehensive Tools

Lightroom Classic is celebrated for its intuitive design, making it accessible for photographers at any skill level. The interface is streamlined to enhance user experience, facilitating easy navigation through various editing tools and functions. This makes Lightroom Classic an ideal platform for those new to photo editing, as well as professionals looking for efficient workflow.

Industry Standard with Robust Features

As the industry standard, Lightroom Classic offers a depth of features that cater to professional needs, including advanced photo book creation, detailed metadata management, and extensive editing capabilities. Unlike Lightroom CC, which is cloud-based, Lightroom Classic operates locally on your desktop, ensuring faster access and processing of large image files, which is crucial for handling high-volume photo edits.

Superior Organizational Capabilities

One of the most significant advantages of Lightroom Classic is its superior library management system. Photographers can organize, tag, and search through thousands of images with ease, thanks to its powerful cataloging features. This system supports a variety of file renaming and sorting options during import, making it easier to manage large collections over time.

Non-Destructive Editing Environment

Lightroom Classic operates on a non-destructive editing basis, meaning all edits are saved separately from the original files. This allows users to experiment with different editing styles without the risk of losing the original image quality. All adjustments are stored as a set of instructions in the Lightroom catalog, which not only preserves the originals but also keeps the file sizes smaller.

Enhanced Performance with Local Storage

Unlike its cloud-based counterpart, Lightroom Classic stores all photos locally on your computer or connected storage device. This method of storage not only speeds up the editing process but also ensures that you retain full control over your files. If you ever decide to discontinue using Lightroom Classic, your files remain accessible and intact on your local storage.

Extensive Plugin Support and Customization

Lightroom Classic supports a wide range of plugins and extensions that enhance functionality. Whether you need advanced noise reduction, specialized color grading tools, or integration with other software like Photoshop, plugins extend the capabilities of Lightroom Classic beyond its out-of-the-box features.

Advanced Editing Tools

The software excels in offering a variety of advanced editing tools such as the tone curve, color grading, and detailed sharpening. These tools allow for precise adjustments and fine-tuning, giving users the ability to achieve professional-quality results. Additionally, features like soft proofing enable photographers to preview how images will appear in different output formats, ensuring the final product matches the intended vision.

By choosing Lightroom Classic, photographers benefit from a robust, feature-rich platform that supports a wide range of editing and management tasks. This makes it an invaluable tool for anyone serious about digital photography, from beginners needing a comprehensive learning tool to professionals demanding efficiency and precision in their workflow.

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Getting Started with Lightroom Classic

Setting Up Your Catalog

When you first open Adobe Lightroom Classic, you’ll be prompted to create a Catalog. This is a crucial step, as the Catalog is where Lightroom keeps a record of all the edits and adjustments you apply to your photos. To set up your Catalog effectively:

  1. Create a New Catalog: Go to File > New Catalog in the menu. Choose a name for your catalog and decide where to store it. Storing it on an external drive can keep your data organized and easily accessible.
  2. Organize Your Folder: Navigate to your external drive and create a new folder specifically for your Lightroom data. You might name it something like “2020 – Lightroom” to keep track of your projects by year.

Importing and Managing Your Photos

Before you begin editing, you need to import your photos into Lightroom Classic. Remember, Lightroom does not store actual image files but references them from their location on your hard drive. Here’s how to get started:

  1. Import Photos: Use the beginner-level tutorial available on Lightroom’s learning platform, which guides you through the process in just 4 minutes.
  2. Avoid Renaming or Moving Files: Once your photos are imported, avoid renaming or moving the images or folders on your hard drive that Lightroom is referencing. This can cause Lightroom to lose track of your files.

Engage with Tutorials to Enhance Skills

Adobe Lightroom Classic offers a variety of tutorials to help you enhance, organize, and share more photos on your desktop. Consider engaging with these tutorials to improve your skills:

  • Basic Tutorials: For starters, tutorials on removing haze, changing colors in an autumn scene, and editing dynamic action photos provide quick, practical lessons.
  • Advanced Techniques: Explore more complex edits like creating film noir effects or composing group pet photos. These tutorials are designed to be brief yet informative, often taking no more than 10 minutes.
  • Specialized Edits: Learn to create natural tones for food photos or understand how professionals like Michael Schauer commune with nature through their photography.

Access and Installation

To access these tutorials and start using Lightroom Classic, you need to download and install the application. You can do this via:

  • Adobe Desktop App: Available for both Windows and macOS.
  • Mobile Apps: Adobe provides iOS and Android apps for mobile editing.
  • Web App: For accessing Lightroom Classic features online.

Additional Resources

For any further assistance, Adobe offers a comprehensive support system:

  • Help Center: Ideal for FAQs and troubleshooting steps.
  • Support Community: Engage with other users and experts.
  • Enterprise Support: For professional or organizational use.

By following these steps and utilizing the resources provided, you can start your journey with Lightroom Classic confidently, enhancing and organizing your photos with professional finesse.

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Importing Your Photos

To begin working with your images in Adobe Lightroom Classic, the initial step involves importing your photos into the software. This process is streamlined through the Import Dialogue, which serves as the gateway to adding images to your Lightroom catalog. Here’s how to manage this essential function effectively:

Step-by-Step Guide to Importing Photos

  1. Open the Import Window:
    • Launch Lightroom Classic and navigate to the Library module.
    • Click the ‘Import’ button located in the lower-left corner, select ‘File > Import Photos and Video’ from the menu, or simply drag and drop files from your file explorer into the Grid view.
  2. Select the Source:
    • In the Source panel on the left side of the import window, find and select the files or folders you wish to import.
  3. Choose the Import Method:
    • You can add photos to your catalog using one of four methods:
      • Copy as DNG: Converts and copies camera raw files to the DNG format.
      • Copy: Copies the photo files, preserving all original sidecar files.
      • Move: Moves the photo files and removes them from their original location.
      • Add: Adds photos to the catalog while keeping them in their current location.
  4. Select Photos for Import:
    • Use the preview area in the center of the import window to view and select the specific photos you want to import.
  5. Determine File Destination and Organization:
    • In the Destination panel on the right, decide where to store the imported photos. Options include organizing them into subfolders, preserving the original folder hierarchy, sorting by date, or consolidating all into one folder.
  6. Adjust Import Settings:
    • Configure additional settings such as file handling, renaming, and applying presets or metadata during the import process. This can be done in the panels on the right side of the import window.
  7. Avoid Duplicates:
    • Ensure the ‘Don’t Import Suspected Duplicates’ option is checked to prevent importing the same photo more than once.
  8. Finalize the Import:
    • Once all settings are adjusted, click the ‘Import’ button to start adding the selected photos to your catalog.

Best Practices for Importing Photos

  • Create Import Presets: For consistent and faster importing in the future, create and save import presets that reflect your common settings.
  • Consistency is Key: Always follow the same method for transferring images from your camera to the computer to maintain organization and avoid errors.
  • Verify Before Deleting: Only delete photos from your memory card or source after confirming they have been successfully copied and backed up in Lightroom.

By following these detailed steps and tips, you can streamline your photo importing process in Lightroom Classic, ensuring your images are well-organized and readily accessible for editing.

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Organizing Your Photo Library

Initial Setup for Organizing Your Photo Library

Organizing your photo library efficiently in Adobe Lightroom Classic starts with setting up a general folder structure. Begin by creating a main folder named “Photos” and organize this by year. For each year, create subfolders based on the project or shoot date, including a brief description for easy identification. Within each event-specific folder, it’s beneficial to have subfolders for different stages of your workflow, such as ‘Catalog’, ‘Originals’, and ‘Edits’.

Utilizing Collections and Stacks for Enhanced Organization

  1. Create Collections: After importing your photos, organize them into Collections within Lightroom Classic. This method allows you to group photos based on themes, projects, or any other criteria without duplicating the files, making them easier to manage and locate.
  2. Use Image Stacking: To further streamline your organization, utilize the Image Stacking feature. This allows you to group similar images, reducing clutter in your workspace. Stacks are particularly useful for managing multiple shots from the same event or location.

Catalog Management

When deciding on how to manage your catalogs, consider the following:

  • Single vs. Multiple Catalogs: Casual photographers may find it sufficient to maintain a single catalog. However, professionals might prefer creating a new catalog for each major event or client to keep projects separate and manageable.
  • Customize Catalog Settings: Navigate to Lightroom’s Preferences to adjust settings for catalog backups, file handling, and metadata management. Ensuring these settings are tailored to your workflow can significantly enhance efficiency.
  • Regular Backups: Set up a schedule for regular catalog backups to protect your work against data loss. Store these backups on a separate drive for added security.

Advanced Organizational Tools and Preferences

  • Keywording and Metadata: Implementing a robust system for keywording and metadata can drastically improve your ability to locate specific images. Keywords can include details like location, subject matter, or event type, which are searchable within Lightroom.
  • Flagging System: Use the flagging system to mark out images that need reviewing or editing. This system helps in prioritizing tasks within your workflow.
  • Optimize and Synchronize: Regularly optimize your catalog via the Performance settings in Lightroom Preferences to maintain speed and efficiency. Use the Synchronize command to ensure all folders are up-to-date and reflect any changes made outside of Lightroom.

File Management Strategies

  • Three C’s of Backup: Implement the ‘Copy, Clone, and Cloud’ strategy for backing up images. Copy all files from your camera to your computer or external drive, create clones of these files for redundancy, and sync them to a cloud storage service for off-site backup.
  • Handling Client Images: Only delete raw files from your catalog once your client has received and approved them. Consider saving only JPEGs for finalized projects to conserve space, or keep raw files indefinitely if they are significant.

By following these structured steps and utilizing Lightroom Classic’s organizational tools, you can maintain a well-organized photo library that enhances your workflow and productivity.

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The Basics of Editing in Lightroom Classic

Starting with the Develop Module

To begin editing your photos in Lightroom Classic, select a photo from the Library module and switch to the Develop module. This module is where you can perform detailed edits and adjustments to enhance your images.

Initial Auto Adjustments

  1. Auto Adjustments:
    • Click on the ‘Auto’ option in the Basic panel. This feature automatically adjusts exposure, contrast, highlights, shadows, whites, blacks, and vibrance based on the image’s needs.

Manual Adjustments for Fine-Tuning

  1. Exposure and Brightness:
    • Adjust the ‘Exposure’ slider to fine-tune the brightness of your photo.
    • Use the ‘Highlights’ and ‘Shadows’ sliders to balance the light and dark areas of your image.
  2. Enhancing Details:
    • Slide the ‘Clarity’ slider to enhance texture and detail in your photos.
  3. Adjusting Contrast and Color:
    • Increase the difference between light and dark areas using the ‘Contrast’ slider.
    • Improve color depth with the ‘Vibrance’ slider, which enhances less-saturated colors without affecting skin tones.
    • Use the ‘Temp’ slider to adjust the overall color temperature, making the image warmer or cooler.

Reverting and Undoing Changes

  • Undo Adjustments:
    • Use ‘Edit > Undo’ or the shortcuts ‘Control+Z’ (Windows) or ‘Command+Z’ (MacOS) to undo the last adjustment.
  • Reset Adjustments:
    • Click the ‘Reset’ button at the bottom right of the Develop module to remove all adjustments and revert the image to its original state.

Utilizing the History Panel

  • History Panel Usage:
    • The History panel allows you to view and revert to any previous state of the image since it was imported into Lightroom.

Cropping and Composition

  • Cropping Your Image:
    • Access the cropping tool by clicking the square icon under the Histogram or pressing ‘R’. This tool lets you adjust the composition and aspect ratio of your photo.

Advanced Editing Techniques

  • Merge Photos for Creative Effects:
    • Create High Dynamic Range (HDR) images, panoramas, or HDR panoramas by merging multiple images. This can be done through the Photo Merge options.
  • Selective Adjustments with Masks:
    • Apply edits to specific areas of your photo using masks. Lightroom Classic offers brushes, linear gradients, radial gradients, and AI-powered selections for targeted adjustments.
  • Background Blur:
    • Blur the background of your images to emphasize the subject. This effect can be achieved by using selective focus adjustments.
  • Creating a Collage:
    • Lightroom Classic provides tools to easily create a collage from your photos, allowing for creative presentations without needing additional software.

Organizing and Developing Photos

  • Effective Photo Organization:
    • Use collections and smart collections to organize photos based on criteria such as date, location, or theme.
  • Post-Processing Options:
    • Explore various post-processing adjustments like brightness, contrast, color, sharpness, and local edits to refine your photos.

By understanding and utilizing these basic editing techniques in Lightroom Classic, you can significantly enhance the quality and impact of your photographs.

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Advanced Editing Techniques

Global vs. Localized Adjustments

Understanding the difference between global and localized adjustments is crucial for advanced editing in Lightroom Classic. Global adjustments affect the entire image, whereas localized adjustments target specific areas, enhancing detail or correcting issues without altering the whole photo.

  1. Using Masking Tools: Employ masking tools to make localized adjustments. This technique allows for precise control, focusing enhancements exactly where needed without impacting the entire image.

Adding Clarity and Adjusting Mood in Specific Areas

Manipulating clarity, texture, and dehaze settings can dramatically change the mood and detail of specific parts of an image, such as the sky.

  1. Sky Adjustments:
    • Increase clarity to bring out details in clouds.
    • Adjust texture to smooth out or enhance features.
    • Use dehaze to cut through atmospheric conditions that obscure clear views.

Precision with Object Selection Tool

The Object Selection Tool in Photoshop integrates seamlessly with Lightroom Classic for detailed editing tasks, like selective focus or object isolation.

  1. Detailed Walkthrough:
    • Select the Object Selection Tool in Photoshop.
    • Carefully outline the object or area to edit.
    • Make precise adjustments without affecting the surrounding areas.

Sky Replacement Technique

For transformative changes, such as replacing a dull sky with a more dramatic one, Photoshop offers advanced capabilities that can be utilized alongside Lightroom Classic edits.

  1. Steps to Replace Sky:
    • Open the image in Photoshop.
    • Select the sky using the Quick Selection Tool.
    • Replace with a pre-selected sky image to enhance the overall scene.

Utilizing Advanced Photo Editing Tools in Lightroom Classic

Lightroom Classic offers a suite of advanced tools that cater to detailed and specific editing needs.

  • Tools Overview:
    • Crop Tool: Adjust framing and composition.
    • Spot Healing: Remove blemishes or unwanted objects.
    • Red-Eye Removal: Correct red-eye effects in portraits.
    • Graduated Filter: Apply smooth gradient effects.
    • Radial Filter: Focus adjustments on a circular area.
    • Adjustment Brush: Paint adjustments onto specific areas.

Range Masking for Targeted Adjustments

Range Masking is a powerful feature in Lightroom Classic that allows for adjustments to be applied based on specific color ranges or brightness levels within the image.

  • Using Range Masking:
    • Apply a Graduated or Radial Filter.
    • Select ‘Range Mask’ and choose ‘Color’ or ‘Luminance’.
    • Use the eyedropper tool to select the colors or luminance range to adjust.

Goals and Strategies for Advanced Editing

When approaching advanced editing, it’s important to maintain focus on the image’s subject and overall composition before delving into detailed adjustments.

  • Editing Approach:
    • View the image as a whole to determine the key areas of focus.
    • Break down the editing process into manageable parts, addressing each area with the appropriate tools and adjustments.

Enhancing Photo Brightness and Color

Adjusting brightness and color settings can significantly improve the visual impact of a photo.

  • Key Adjustments:
    • Exposure: Controls overall brightness.
    • Highlights and Shadows: Fine-tune bright and dark areas.
    • Clarity: Enhances texture and detail.
    • Vibrance and Saturation: Adjusts the intensity of colors.
    • Temperature and Tint: Alters the color tone for warmth or coolness.

By mastering these advanced editing techniques in Lightroom Classic, users can achieve professional-quality results, transforming good photos into great ones with precision and creativity.

70 Adobe Lightroom Classic Tips

Exporting Your Photos

Setting Up Your Export Parameters

To export photos from Lightroom Classic, follow these steps to ensure your images are saved with the desired settings:

  1. Select Photos: In the Grid view of the Library module, select the photos you wish to export.
  2. Open Export Dialog: Navigate to File > Export or click the Export button in the Library module to open the export dialog box.
  3. Choose Export Location: Specify where you want the exported photos to be saved, such as a computer, hard drive, or flash drive. You can also burn the photos to a disc or use the Publish Services panel to upload photos directly to photo-sharing websites.
  4. File Naming and Format: Choose a filename and select a format for your exported files. Common formats include JPEG for web and email, TIFF for pixel editors like Photoshop, and keep the original format for full resolution masters.
  5. Set Image Quality and Resolution: Adjust the color space, pixel dimensions, and resolution. For web usage, a JPEG format with a quality setting of 65-80 is recommended.
  6. Apply Output Sharpening: Choose the appropriate sharpening settings for your output device, such as ‘Screen’ for digital displays or ‘Matte/Glossy’ for printed photos.

Utilizing Export Presets and Batch Exporting

Lightroom Classic allows you to save your export settings as presets for future use, and perform multiple export jobs simultaneously using the multi-batch export feature:

  • Create and Use Export Presets: After adjusting your settings in the export dialog box, click the Add button below the Preset column, rename the preset, choose a folder, and click Create. This saves your settings for future use.
  • Multi-Batch Exporting: Start from Lightroom Classic version 9.0, you can export multiple batches of photos with different settings all at once. If there is a naming conflict, the name of the preset is appended to the filename of the exported file.

Special Export Functions

Lightroom Classic offers specialized functions for exporting photos, enhancing your workflow for presentations and online sharing:

  • Create a Slideshow: Use the dedicated slideshow module to compile your edited photos into a professional slideshow presentation.
  • Design a Photo Book: Utilize the template-based photo book maker to design and prepare a photo book for printing.
  • Export to Online Galleries: Use integration plugins to export photos directly from Lightroom to online gallery services like Smugmug and Flickr. Go to File > Plug-In Manager, click the Add button, and navigate to the downloaded plugin to add the service to your list of Publish Services.

Exporting with Previous Settings

For a faster workflow, you can export photos using the settings from your last export:

  • Export with Previous Settings: Navigate to File > Export with Previous or use the shortcut Option+Shift+Ctrl/Command+E in Lightroom Classic, or Ctrl/Command+E in Lightroom CC to quickly export your photos using the previously used settings.

Exporting Multiple Photos

When you need to export several images at once, Lightroom Classic makes it easy to apply the same settings across multiple photos:

  • Batch Export: Highlight the images you want to export in the filmstrip, and the settings chosen in the export dialogue box will be applied to all selected images.

By following these detailed steps and utilizing the advanced features of Lightroom Classic, you can efficiently manage the export process, ensuring your photos are perfectly prepared for any medium or platform.

adobe lightroom editing macbook

Integrating Lightroom Classic with Adobe Creative Cloud

Setting Up Integration with Adobe Creative Cloud

To begin integrating Lightroom Classic with Adobe Creative Cloud, follow these steps:

  1. Check for the Latest Version:
    • Ensure that you are running the latest version of Lightroom Classic to access all available features and stability improvements.
  2. Sign In with Adobe ID:
    • Open Lightroom Classic and sign in using your Adobe ID. This is essential for syncing and accessing Creative Cloud features.
  3. Enable Syncing:
    • Click on the Sync icon located in the upper-right corner of the interface to start the synchronization process with Adobe Creative Cloud.

Sync Settings and Preferences

Adjust your sync settings to optimize your workflow:

  • Access Sync Preferences:
    • Navigate to the ‘Lightroom Sync’ tab in the Preferences menu to customize your sync settings.
  • Manage System Sleep Settings:
    • Adjust your system settings to prevent the computer from sleeping during the sync process, ensuring uninterrupted operation.
  • Specify Image Storage Location:
    • Choose a preferred location for images within the Lightroom ecosystem to maintain organization and accessibility across devices.

Utilizing Synced Collections

Maximize the use of synced collections for efficient photo management:

  • Create and Manage Collections:
    • Organize your photos into collections and ensure they are included in the ‘All Synced Photographs’ collection or specific synced collections for them to be accessible across devices.
  • Automatic Availability:
    • Photos within these collections will automatically be available in the Adobe Creative Cloud mobile app, enhancing accessibility.

Learning and Support Resources

Leverage the extensive resources provided by Adobe Creative Cloud to enhance your Lightroom Classic experience:

  • Access Tutorials:
    • Adobe Creative Cloud offers a range of tutorials categorized by skill level and duration, perfect for both beginners and advanced users.
  • Explore Additional Services:
    • Utilize services such as stock images, marketplace access, and more to enrich your creative projects.
  • Engage with the Community:
    • Participate in the Support Community for peer advice and professional tips.

Managing Online Storage and Third-Party Services

Carefully manage your online storage and syncing services:

  • Monitor Online Storage Usage:
    • Keep track of your online storage usage to avoid exceeding limits and incurring additional costs.
  • Integrate Third-Party Services:
    • Configure third-party online storage and syncing services within Lightroom Classic to streamline your workflow.

By following these detailed steps, users can effectively integrate Lightroom Classic with Adobe Creative Cloud, ensuring a seamless workflow across devices and access to a wide array of creative tools and resources.

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Throughout this article, we’ve journeyed through the comprehensive world of Adobe Lightroom Classic, exploring an array of functionalities from basic photo editing to advanced techniques, organizational strategies, and effective photo exportation. The detailed exploration not only solidifies Lightroom Classic as an invaluable tool for photographers at every level but also emphasizes the software’s capability to enhance, organize, and transform photos into stunning pieces of art.

Moreover, the seamless integration with Adobe Creative Cloud presented here elevates the editing and organizing experience, offering a unified platform that extends creativity beyond the desktop to a global stage. As beginners grasp the fundamental concepts and advanced users refine their expertise, it’s clear that mastering Lightroom Classic is a pivotal step towards achieving professional-quality photography, underscored by efficiency and a touch of personal creativity.


Is Adobe Lightroom Classic suitable for photography beginners?
Yes, Adobe Lightroom is an excellent tool for beginners. It is particularly beneficial for those looking to enhance their photo editing capabilities.

What steps can I take to make my photos look better in Lightroom?
To improve the appearance of your photos in Lightroom, you can adjust the Clarity slider to the right to bring out details and texture, or to the left to soften the image. Increase the Contrast slightly for a sharper distinction between light and dark areas if the photo seems lackluster. To add colorfulness, move the Vibrance slider to the right.

How can I enhance the quality of my photos in Lightroom Classic?
To enhance photo quality in Lightroom Classic, go to the menu bar and select Photo > Enhance. Alternatively, Control-click (Mac) or right-click (Windows) on the image and choose Enhance. In the Enhance dialog box, select Super Resolution. You can click-and-hold the preview to compare the before and after of the enhancement.

What are the steps to edit photos in Lightroom to achieve a professional look?
To edit photos in Lightroom for a professional outcome, follow these steps:

  1. In the Develop module, tweak the Calibration settings.
  2. Make adjustments to the tone settings.
  3. Modify the Presence Settings.
  4. Create an s-Curve in the Tone Curve panel.
  5. Set the White Balance according to the skin tone.

Fine-tune the HSL/COLOR settings.
Once you’ve achieved the desired look, you can apply the preset to all other photos for consistency.

Daniel Long

Daniel Long

About Author

Daniel Long, as a writer, delves into the realm of emerging technologies and business solutions, with a particular emphasis on optimizing efficiency and fostering growth. He educational background includes a Bachelor's degree in English from the University of California, Irvine, and he furthered his knowledge by attaining an MBA from Chapman University. This combination of expertise allows him to offer valuable insights into the ever-evolving business landscape.

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