
Payoneer vs Wise: An In-depth Comparison for International Freelancers

Payoneer Taxes

Choosing between Payoneer and Wise (formerly TransferWise) is a crucial decision for international freelancers who prioritize seamless and cost-effective ways to manage their finances across borders. As platforms that offer the convenience to send and receive international payments, both Payoneer and Wise have become go-to options for businesses operating globally. Through this comparison of Payoneer vs Wise, including aspects like Payoneer’s and Wise’s, as well as TransferWise’s, offerings, we aim to shed light on which platform might suit your freelancing needs better.

This article will diligently explore various critical factors such as supported currencies and countries, fee structures, user interface, transfer speed, customer support quality, security measures, and special features tailored for freelancers. Our aim is to provide an in-depth analysis to help you make an informed decision on which service—Payoneer or Wise—aligns best with your freelance business requirements.

Payoneer Overview

Payoneer stands out as a comprehensive global payment solution, particularly favored by freelancers and businesses for its wide array of services. Here’s an overview of what Payoneer offers:

Services and Features:

  • Global Reach: Payoneer supports transactions in over 150 currencies across more than 200 countries and territories, making it an ideal platform for freelancers working with international clients.
  • Business Solutions: The platform provides a variety of business-oriented services including billing services, tax form automation, and merchant services. It also offers Mass Payout Services, allowing companies to send payments to multiple beneficiaries across different locations.
  • Freelancer-Focused Features: Payoneer tailors its services to meet the specific needs of freelancers and independent contractors. Features such as the ability to request payments from clients, connect to global platforms, and receive payments from marketplaces enhance the ease of managing finances.
  • Payment Options: Freelancers can receive payments directly into their local receiving accounts for major currencies, and use the Payoneer debit card for both online and offline transactions. The card can also be used for ATM withdrawals and local bank transfers.

User Experience:

  • Platform Usability: While Payoneer’s platform is designed to be user-friendly, the wide range of services offered can make navigation somewhat complex for new users.
  • Mobile App: The functional mobile app adds a layer of convenience, allowing users to manage their transactions on-the-go.

Additional Business Tools:

  • Capital Advance: This feature provides funding to support business growth, manage currencies, and transfer between balances.
  • Partners Directory: Access to exclusive offers through Payoneer’s Partners Directory can be particularly beneficial for scaling operations.
  • Request Payment Feature: This allows freelancers to send customized payment requests to clients, which include invoice details and payment terms, streamlining the payment process.

Payoneer’s commitment to providing secure and efficient services is evident in its use of high-level encryption, fraud detection systems, and adherence to industry regulations, ensuring that every transaction is safe. This combination of extensive features, dedicated freelancer support, and robust security measures makes Payoneer a compelling choice for freelancers looking to optimize their payment processes and business operations globally.

Wise Overview

Wise, previously known as TransferWise, excels in providing a straightforward platform for international money transfers, emphasizing transparency and cost-effectiveness. Here’s a detailed look at what Wise offers to international freelancers and businesses:

Services and Features:

  • Transparent Fees: Wise is renowned for its clear fee structure, always using the real mid-market exchange rate for currency conversions. This approach ensures freelancers and businesses know exactly what they’re paying without hidden charges.
  • Borderless Account: The Wise Borderless account allows users to hold, manage, and send money in multiple currencies. It’s particularly beneficial for freelancers who deal with clients from various countries, as it enables them to get paid like a local in EUR, GBP, AUD, NZD, RON, HUF, and SGD.
  • Business and Personal Accounts: Wise offers tailored solutions for both personal and business needs, ensuring that whether you’re paying international invoices or receiving payments, your financial operations are streamlined and cost-effective.

Performance and Accessibility:

  • Mobile App and Usability: Wise’s mobile app is highly rated and provides users with the ability to manage transactions easily from anywhere. This is a crucial feature for freelancers who need to handle financial transactions on the go.
  • Multi-Currency Management: With the capability to handle transactions in over 70 countries and 40+ currencies, Wise makes it simple for users to manage multiple currencies through one account. This is enhanced by features like batch payments, which are available at no additional cost, and integration with accounting software like Xero and QuickBooks.

Security and Compliance:

  • Robust Security Measures: Wise uses advanced encryption and two-factor authentication to protect users’ financial information. Compliance with regulatory standards across various countries ensures a secure and reliable service for handling international transactions.

Comparison Table: Wise vs. Payoneer in Key Aspects

Fee StructureTransparent, real mid-market ratesBased on wholesale currency market rates
Speed of Transactions1-2 working daysVaries, often longer
Currency Support70+ countries, 40+ currenciesOver 200 countries, 150 currencies
Special FeaturesBorderless account, integration with accounting software, batch paymentsComprehensive business solutions, capital advance options
SecurityAdvanced encryption, two-factor authenticationHigh-level encryption, fraud detection systems

This comparison highlights Wise’s strengths in transparency and cost-effectiveness, making it a compelling choice for freelancers and businesses focused on international dealings.

Supported Currencies and Countries

When considering Payoneer vs Wise for international transactions, the breadth of supported currencies and the geographical availability of services are crucial factors for freelancers. Here’s a detailed breakdown:

Supported Currencies and Countries

Currency Support:

  • Payoneer: Offers a robust service with support for transactions in over 150 currencies, allowing freelancers to receive payments in 8 major currencies directly to their accounts. This extensive range is beneficial for freelancers working with a diverse international client base.
  • Wise: Known for supporting 50+ currencies for transactions. Wise also provides local account details in 10 currencies, facilitating easier receipt of payments without hefty conversion fees.

Geographical Reach:

  • Payoneer: Services are available in over 200 countries and territories, making it highly accessible for freelancers globally. This wide reach is complemented by the ability to perform payouts in 190+ countries.
  • Wise: While Wise offers its services almost worldwide, it excludes some countries in Africa, Asia, and regions affected by geopolitical tensions such as Russia, Belarus, and certain parts of Ukraine. This may limit options for freelancers in these areas.

Special Account Features:

  • Wise Borderless Accounts: These accounts allow users to hold and manage money in multiple currencies and switch between them without incurring extra fees. This feature is particularly advantageous for freelancers who deal with multiple currencies regularly.
  • Payoneer: Although it supports fewer currencies for direct account details compared to Wise, Payoneer allows freelancers to receive ACH bank debits, credit card payments, and USD payments, albeit with associated fees.

Comparison Table: Payoneer vs Wise in Supported Currencies and Countries

Number of Supported Currencies150+50+
Geographical Coverage200+ countries and territoriesAlmost worldwide, with specific exclusions
Account FeaturesReceives in 8 major currencies, supports payouts in 190+ countriesHolds and manages multiple currencies, local account details in 10 currencies

Both platforms adhere to high regulatory standards, ensuring that client funds are kept separate from company operations, providing peace of mind for freelancers concerned about the security of their transactions. However, it’s important to consider the specific needs of your freelance business, such as the range of currencies you commonly deal with and the countries where you need service availability, to choose the right platform between Payoneer and Wise.

Fee Structure Comparison

Fee Structure Comparison: Payoneer vs Wise

Understanding the fee structures of Payoneer and Wise is essential for international freelancers who need to manage their finances efficiently. Here, we break down the costs associated with using each service:

Payoneer Fees:

  • Fixed Fees and Currency Conversion Charges: Payoneer typically charges fixed fees for various services, such as up to 3% for credit card transactions and 1% for ACH bank debits in the United States. Additionally, currency conversion charges range from 2% to 2.75%.
  • Annual and Miscellaneous Fees: Users face a $29 annual fee for card maintenance and a potential $50 fee if the Payoneer card is not received. There’s also a fee up to 3.5% for cash withdrawals using the Mastercard.
  • Transaction Type Variability: Fees can vary based on transaction type, currency, and method of transfer, with a notable 2% fee for incoming payments.

Wise Fees:

  • Percentage-Based Transaction Fees: Wise charges fees based on a percentage of the transaction amount, starting from 0.42%, with no inflated exchange rates.
  • Currency Conversion: Utilizes the real mid-market exchange rate for conversions, ensuring transparency and potentially lower costs compared to traditional banks.
  • No Hidden Fees: Wise prides itself on a transparent fee structure, with clear indications of costs before transactions are completed.

Comparison Table: Detailed Fee Structures

Fee TypePayoneerWise
Transaction FeesUp to 3% for credit cards, 1% for ACH debitsVariable, starting from 0.42%
Currency Conversion2% to 2.75%, based on wholesale market ratesMid-market rate with no markup
Annual/Miscellaneous Fees$29 for card maintenance, $50 for undelivered cardNo annual fees; nominal fees for currency conversion
Cash Withdrawal3.5% for withdrawals using MastercardNo specific fee for withdrawals between Wise accounts
TransparencyComplex fee structure with various chargesHigh transparency with fees outlined upfront

Pros and Cons of Each Service’s Fee Structure:


  • Pros: Offers a variety of business solutions and can handle large volume transactions with fixed fees.
  • Cons: The fee structure can be complex and costly due to fixed and percentage-based charges, annual fees, and higher currency conversion rates.


  • Pros: Known for its transparency and cost-effectiveness, Wise uses the real mid-market exchange rate and has a simpler, percentage-based fee structure.
  • Cons: Fees can accumulate in transactions involving multiple currencies and smaller transfers.

By comparing these fee structures, freelancers can better understand which service might offer more value depending on their specific transaction types and volume. Wise generally offers more predictable and often lower fees, especially beneficial for those dealing with multiple currencies regularly. Payoneer, however, might be more suited for users requiring comprehensive business services and can justify the higher fees with the additional features provided.

Ease of Use and Interface

When evaluating the ease of use and interface of Payoneer and Wise, several aspects come into play, particularly how these services cater to the needs of international freelancers. Both platforms provide user-friendly interfaces and support multiple languages, enhancing accessibility for a global user base.

Accessibility and Interface:

  • Payoneer: Known for offering a variety of account options, Payoneer caters to the diverse needs of freelancers with different financial requirements. The interface, while comprehensive, may initially seem complex due to the multitude of services offered. However, once familiar, users appreciate the robust functionality that supports their varied business activities.
  • Wise: Focuses on simplicity and ease of use. Wise offers a single type of account, which simplifies the user experience. The platform’s design is straightforward, making it easy for freelancers to manage their transactions without navigating through complex menus.

Multilingual Support:

  • Both Payoneer and Wise offer services in multiple languages, which is a significant advantage for freelancers working with international clients. This feature ensures that users can receive support and manage their accounts in their preferred language, be it online, through the app, or via phone support.

Comparison Table: Interface and User Experience

Account OptionsMultiple, catering to diverse needsSingle, streamlined approach
Interface ComplexityInitially complex, highly functionalSimple and straightforward
Multilingual SupportAvailable in several languagesAvailable in several languages
AccessibilityMobile app and web, supports local bank withdrawalsMobile app and web, supports local bank withdrawals

This comparative analysis shows that while both services provide excellent support for international operations, the choice between Payoneer and Wise might come down to the user’s preference for simplicity versus the need for a more comprehensive range of services. Both platforms ensure that regardless of where the freelancer is located or the language they speak, they can access and manage their funds efficiently.

Transfer Speed

Transfer Speed Comparison: Payoneer vs Wise

When it comes to the speed of transferring funds internationally, both Payoneer and Wise offer competitive services, but there are notable differences that can impact a freelancer’s choice depending on their needs for speed and efficiency.

Detailed Breakdown:

  • Wise:
    • More than 50% of payments are processed instantly.
    • 90% of transfers arrive within 24 hours.
    • Generally, international business transfers take 1-2 working days.
  • Payoneer:
    • Transfers to bank accounts may take up to 5 business days.
    • International business transfers are generally processed within 1-2 working days.
    • Bank transfers are expected to arrive within a day; however, transferring from a Payoneer balance to a local bank account can take 2-5 working days.

Comparison Table: Transfer Speed

Instant PaymentsMore than 50% of payments are instantNot specified
Arrival Within 24 Hours90% of paymentsNot specified
Standard Transfer Time1-2 working days1-2 working days for business transfers
Transfer to Local Bank AccountsTypically within 24 hours2-5 working days

Pros and Cons Based on Transfer Speed:

Wise Pros:

  • High percentage of instant payments enhances convenience for urgent transactions.
  • Majority of transfers completed within a day, suitable for freelancers needing quick access to funds.

Wise Cons:

  • While fast, the 10% of transfers taking longer than 24 hours might still impact those dependent on consistent speedy transactions.

Payoneer Pros:

  • Reliable 1-2 working day processing for international business transfers.
  • Offers same-day bank transfers in some cases.

Payoneer Cons:

  • Longer waiting times for transferring to local bank accounts can be a significant drawback for freelancers who need faster access to their funds.

By understanding these aspects, freelancers can better decide which platform aligns with their need for speed in financial transactions. Wise generally provides faster access to funds, which is crucial for freelancers who need immediate payment processing, while Payoneer offers a solid service with specific fast-transfer options under certain conditions.

Customer Support and Reviews

When comparing customer support and reviews for Payoneer and Wise, it’s essential to consider user feedback and ratings from various sources. This helps in understanding how each service handles customer interactions and resolves issues, which is crucial for freelancers relying on these platforms for their financial transactions.

Customer Support Comparison:

  • Payoneer:
    • Criticized for less responsive customer service and inconvenient policies.
    • Trustpilot score: 4.3/5 based on 50,000+ reviews, with 75% rated as excellent.
    • Overall rating on review platforms: 3.3 out of 10 based on 48 reviews.
  • Wise:
    • Praised for exceptional customer service, especially for business accounts.
    • Trustpilot score: 4.4/5 based on 186,000+ reviews, with 84% rated as excellent or good.
    • Overall rating on review platforms: 9.1 out of 10 based on 41 reviews.

Pros and Cons Based on Customer Support:

PayoneerLarge user base with extensive reviewsReports of unresponsive customer service
WiseHigh ratings for customer service; quick responsesLimited cons reported, high satisfaction

User Reviews Insight:

  • Payoneer: Users often express frustration over slow response times and rigid policies that can impede urgent financial needs.
  • Wise: Customers frequently commend the platform for its transparency and efficiency, highlighting the supportive customer service that enhances their experience.

This analysis provides a clearer picture of what freelancers might expect in terms of support and service quality from Payoneer and Wise, guiding them to make a more informed decision based on their specific needs and preferences for customer interaction.

Security Measures

Security Measures in Payoneer vs Wise

Both Payoneer and Wise prioritize the security of their users’ funds and data, employing various industry-standard security protocols and technologies. Here’s a closer look at how each platform ensures the safety of its users:

  • Regulatory Compliance:
    • Payoneer: Fully licensed and regulated, adhering to global financial regulations.
    • Wise: Also fully licensed and operates under the strict guidelines of multiple international regulatory bodies, including FinCEN in the U.S.
  • Security Protocols and Technologies:
    • Wise: Features two-factor authentication (2FA) which adds an extra layer of security by requiring two forms of identification before access is granted.
    • Payoneer: Implements high-level encryption and is introducing 3D Secure technology to its prepaid cards, enhancing security for card transactions.

Comparison Table: Security Features of Payoneer vs Wise

Regulatory ComplianceFully licensed and regulated globallyRegistered with FinCEN in the U.S and globally regulated
Encryption TechnologyEmploys the highest level of encryptionUses advanced encryption techniques
AuthenticationIntroducing 3D Secure for prepaid cardsTwo-factor authentication system
Protection from Financial CrimesComprehensive security protocols in placeExtensive measures to safeguard against financial crimes

Pros and Cons of Security Measures:

  • Payoneer Pros:
    • High-level encryption ensures data safety.
    • Introduction of 3D Secure adds an extra layer of protection for card users.
  • Payoneer Cons:
    • As new security features like 3D Secure are being introduced, there might be a learning curve for users.
  • Wise Pros:
    • Two-factor authentication effectively protects account access.
    • Strong regulatory compliance across multiple jurisdictions enhances trust.
  • Wise Cons:
    • While highly secure, the reliance on digital authentication methods requires users to have constant access to their registered devices.

This detailed examination of the security measures from Payoneer and Wise highlights both platforms’ commitment to safeguarding user transactions and data. Freelancers and businesses using these services can be assured of robust security protocols, although the choice may depend on specific security features they prioritize.

Special Features for Freelancers

When assessing the special features for freelancers offered by Payoneer and Wise, it’s crucial to understand how each platform caters to the unique needs of its users. Here is a focused comparison based on their specialized offerings:

Special Features for Freelancers


  • Mass Payout Services: Ideal for businesses that need to send multiple payments simultaneously, which is a common requirement for companies employing freelancers globally.
  • Comprehensive Business Solutions: Includes billing services, tax automation, and the ability to handle payments directly to employees or business partners, providing a robust infrastructure for large-scale operations.
  • Working Capital Solutions: Offers financial support that can help freelancers and businesses manage cash flow effectively.
  • Diverse Account Options: Caters to a broad range of business needs, allowing freelancers to choose services that best fit their operational scale and type.


  • Borderless and Multi-Currency Account: Allows freelancers to hold, manage, and send money in multiple currencies, which is extremely beneficial for receiving payments from international clients without hefty conversion fees.
  • Integration with Xero and Open API: Simplifies accounting and provides automation options, making financial management more efficient.
  • Personal and Business Accounts: While Payoneer focuses more on business accounts, Wise offers flexibility with accounts that cater to both individual freelancers and businesses.
  • Invoicing and Zero Fees on Receipts: Freelancers can invoice clients in various currencies and receive money without transaction fees, enhancing cost-effectiveness.

Comparison Table: Special Features for Freelancers

Account TypesPrimarily business-focusedPersonal and business accounts
Specialized ServicesMass payouts, working capital solutionsBorderless account, multi-currency management
Financial Management ToolsComprehensive business solutionsIntegration with Xero, Open API
Cost EfficiencyVaried fees depending on services and transaction typesZero fees on receiving money, transparent fee structure

Pros and Cons Based on Special Features:

Payoneer Pros:

  • Extensive business solutions suitable for larger operations.
  • Capable of handling complex financial requirements with diverse account options.

Payoneer Cons:

  • May be less cost-effective for freelancers due to higher fee structures on some transactions.

Wise Pros:

  • Highly beneficial for individual freelancers due to zero fees on receiving money and straightforward fee policies.
  • Ease of managing multiple currencies and straightforward financial operations.

Wise Cons:

  • While excellent for individual freelancers and small businesses, it may lack some advanced business features that larger enterprises might require.

This detailed analysis helps freelancers and small business owners weigh the benefits of Payoneer and Wise based on their specific needs, focusing on the level of business operations and the transparency of the fee structure they prefer.


Throughout this comprehensive examination, we’ve navigated the intricacies of two leading global payment platforms, Payoneer and Wise, to aid international freelancers in making an educated decision that caters to their unique financial needs. By delving into various critical aspects such as fee structures, supported currencies, transfer speeds, customer support, and tailored freelancer features, alongside robust security measures, we’ve laid out a detailed landscape. These insights underscore the importance of understanding each platform’s strengths—Payoneer’s comprehensive business solutions against Wise’s transparency and cost-effectiveness in international transactions—to choose the one that best aligns with the freelancer’s operational scale and financial management preferences.

Despite the detailed comparison, it’s evident that the choice between Payoneer and Wise does not lean towards a one-size-fits-all solution but rather depends on specific requirements and business operations of freelancers. As the digital economy continues to evolve, the need for efficient, secure, and cost-effective international payment solutions becomes paramount for freelancers aiming to thrive in a globally connected marketplace. Hence, whether it’s the wide-ranging business services offered by Payoneer or the straightforward, economical transaction process favored by Wise, understanding and aligning these platforms’ features with one’s financial practices is key to maximizing their benefits. With this purposeful analysis, we aim to empower freelancers to make informed decisions, thereby supporting the growth and sustainability of their international business ventures.


1. Which service provides a more comprehensive product offering for international transactions, Payoneer or Wise?
Payoneer offers a more extensive product range compared to Wise, especially in terms of its global disbursing network. Payoneer’s reach is nearly unrivaled, covering over 200 countries, which makes it a robust choice for international freelancers seeking wide-ranging accessibility.

2. What are some drawbacks of using Payoneer for payments?
Users of Payoneer might face several limitations, including the inability to accept in-person payments. There are also reports from customers about account freezes and terminations, which can lead to the loss of funds. Additionally, withdrawing funds from a Payoneer account to a bank account incurs a fee.

3. Is Payoneer a globally accepted payment solution?
Yes, Payoneer is accepted worldwide and facilitates getting paid in various major currencies without needing to reside in those countries. It supports transactions in currencies from the US, UK, Europe, Japan, Canada, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, and UAE, with the capability to withdraw funds locally in more than 190 countries.

The implications of choosing the right platform extend beyond immediate transactional needs, impacting long-term financial management and operational efficiency. As the global economy continues to evolve, the significance of understanding and selecting the appropriate payment platform cannot be overstated. For future considerations, freelancers and businesses might look into the evolving features and regional compatibilities of each service, ensuring their chosen platform can support their growth and international financial transactions seamlessly.


1. Which is superior for international freelancers, Payoneer or Wise?
Payoneer generally offers a more comprehensive product suite compared to Wise. While Wise has its advantages, Payoneer outshines with its extensive global disbursing network, covering over 200 countries, making it a formidable player in the international payment landscape.

2. What are some drawbacks of using Payoneer?
Users of Payoneer might face some limitations, such as the inability to accept in-person payments. There are also reports from some customers about account freezes or terminations, which can lead to the loss of funds. Additionally, withdrawing money from a Payoneer account to a bank account incurs a fee.

3. Is there a better alternative to Payoneer?
The question of whether there is a better alternative to Payoneer depends on specific needs and use cases. While Payoneer is highly rated for its global reach and extensive services, other platforms might be preferred for different functionalities or lower fees.

4. Can Payoneer be used globally?
Yes, Payoneer is accepted worldwide and facilitates getting paid in multiple currencies without the necessity of residing in the corresponding countries. Payoneer supports transactions in major markets such as the US, UK, Europe, Japan, Canada, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, and UAE, with the ability to withdraw funds locally in over 190 countries.


Jack Quy

About Author

Jack Quy is the founder of, a site dedicated to providing insights into freelancing and blogging from his own experience since 2009. His blog is full of great tips and strategies for all things related to working as a freelancer and blogger. No matter your level of experience, these invaluable hints and advice will help you reach your objectives. Be it if you're beginning in the industry or already have some working knowledge, this information is sure to be useful.

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