How To

Stop Adobe Creative Cloud Updates: A Step-by-Step Guide to Disabling Updaters

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Adobe Creative Cloud (CC) applications are essential tools for creatives worldwide, yet they come with an automatic update mechanism that frequently disrupts users’ workflows. These updates, while intended to improve functionality and security, often alter settings and hotkey configurations, negatively impacting application performance. This issue has led to growing frustration among users who find their work interrupted by unexpected software changes.

Understanding how to disable Adobe updater becomes crucial for users seeking to regain control over their software environment. This article will provide a step-by-step guide on how to turn off Adobe updater, including disable auto-update features on both Windows and macOS systems. By following the instructions outlined, users can effectively stop Adobe updater from initiating disruptive updates, ensuring a stable and consistent user experience.

Understanding Adobe Creative Cloud

Adobe Creative Cloud (CC) is a comprehensive platform from Adobe Inc., designed to cater to the needs of creative professionals across various disciplines. This software as a service (SaaS) offering includes a wide array of applications and services tailored for graphic design, video editing, web development, photography, and more. Here, we delve into the components and functionality of Adobe Creative Cloud to provide a clearer understanding of its structure and utility.

Key Components and Services

Adobe Creative Cloud encompasses more than 20 creative applications, enabling users to perform a myriad of tasks—from photo editing with Photoshop to designing user interfaces with Adobe XD. Here’s a breakdown of some key applications included in the subscription:

  • Photoshop: For image editing and compositing.
  • Illustrator: For vector graphics and illustration.
  • Premiere Pro: For video editing.
  • After Effects: For motion graphics and visual effects.
  • InDesign: For page design and layout for print and digital publishing.
  • Adobe Express: For creating and sharing visual stories.
  • Acrobat Pro: For creating, editing, and signing PDF documents.

Additionally, Adobe Creative Cloud offers services like:

  • Behance: A platform for showcasing and discovering creative work.
  • Fonts: Provides a vast collection of fonts.
  • Creative Cloud Libraries: Helps in managing design assets.

Platform Availability and Interface

Adobe Creative Cloud is accessible on multiple operating systems including Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS, ensuring a versatile and flexible user experience. The interface of Adobe Creative Cloud is intuitively divided into four main categories:

  1. Overview: Provides a summary of recent activities and files.
  2. Photo: Dedicated tools and services for photographers.
  3. Design: Tools for graphic, web, and UX/UI design.
  4. Video: Video production and editing tools.

Subscription Models and Additional Perks

Operating on a subscription basis, Adobe Creative Cloud offers various plans which cater to different user needs—from individual creatives to large enterprises. Users can choose from monthly or annual subscriptions, with special pricing available for students and educators. Membership perks include access to the latest updates, exclusive features, and premium services which enhance productivity and creative possibilities.

Discontinued Products

Over the years, Adobe has streamlined its offerings by discontinuing several products such as Fireworks and Muse, focusing instead on developing more integrated and powerful tools that meet modern creative demands.

By understanding the structure and offerings of Adobe Creative Cloud, users can better navigate its applications and services, making the most of their creative potential. This knowledge also aids in effectively managing updates and customizing the software environment to suit individual or organizational needs.

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Why Disable Automatic Updates?

Disabling automatic updates in Adobe Creative Cloud can significantly enhance user experience and system performance under various circumstances. Here are some key reasons why users might choose to disable these updates:

User Preference and Stability

Some users prefer maintaining a consistent version of the software to ensure compatibility with specific plugins or workflows. Automatic updates can sometimes introduce changes that disrupt these setups, leading to decreased productivity or the need for additional configurations.

Manual Control Over Updates

Disabling automatic updates grants users the power to choose exactly when and which updates to install. This manual control can be crucial during busy periods or project deadlines when even a minor change could lead to significant setbacks.

Enterprise-Specific Needs

In a corporate environment, IT departments often require control over software updates to comply with internal policies and security protocols. Disabling automatic updates helps ensure that any new software versions do not conflict with existing IT infrastructure.

Preserving System Resources

Automatic updates can consume significant system resources, including CPU and bandwidth. By managing when updates occur, users can prevent these resources from being used unexpectedly, which is particularly important for users with limited system capabilities or internet access.

Preventing Unwanted Updates

Not all updates are necessary for every user, and some may introduce unwanted features or remove preferred ones. Disabling automatic updates allows users to review changes and decide whether to apply an update based on their specific needs and preferences.

Customization and Control

Users gain increased customization and control over their software environment by managing updates manually. This can lead to a more tailored and stable setup, where updates are applied strategically rather than automatically.

Administrative and Security Management

For network administrators, managing the timing and deployment of updates across multiple machines is essential to maintain network stability and security. Manual update processes allow for thorough testing before widespread implementation.

Bandwidth and Data Management

Especially in regions with limited internet speed or data caps, managing the timing of large updates can prevent unwanted data charges and ensure internet availability for other critical tasks.

By understanding these factors, users can make informed decisions about whether to disable automatic updates, based on their specific circumstances and needs. This control can lead to a more stable and efficient use of Adobe Creative Cloud applications.

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Steps to Disable Adobe Updater on Windows

Accessing the Creative Cloud Desktop App

  1. Open the Creative Cloud Desktop App: Locate the Adobe Creative Cloud icon on your Windows taskbar or search for it using the Windows search feature.

Modifying Update Preferences

  1. Navigate to Preferences:
    • Click the blue button at the top of the app window.
    • Select ‘Preferences’ from the dropdown menu.
  2. Adjust App Settings:
    • In the Preferences window, click on ‘Apps’ in the left pane.
    • Locate the ‘Auto-Update’ settings and turn off the Auto-Update toggle to prevent automatic downloads and installations of new updates.
  3. Save Changes:
    • After adjusting your settings, click the blue ‘Done’ button to finalize the changes.

Alternative Methods for Disabling Updates

  1. Manual File Creation:
    • Create a plain-text file named AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs.dat and input specific contents that command the updater to disable.
    • Save this file in the appropriate directory based on your Windows version:
      • For 32-bit systems: C:\Program files\common\files\adobe\AAMUpdaterInventory\1.0\AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs.dat
      • For 64-bit systems: C:\Program files(x86)\common\files\adobe\AAMUpdaterInventory\1.0\AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs.dat
  2. User-Specific Update Disabling:
    • Alternatively, create a file named AdobeUpdaterPrefs.dat for user-specific update settings.
    • Place this file in:
      • For Windows 7.0 and higher (32 bit): C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Adobe\AAMUpdater\1.0\AdobeUpdaterPrefs.dat
      • For Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Application Data\Adobe\AAMUpdater\1.0\AdobeUpdaterPrefs.dat

Advanced Disabling Techniques

  1. Modify System Startup Settings:
    • Use the ‘msconfig’ utility:
      • Press WindowsKey + R, type ‘msconfig’, and hit OK.
      • Run it as administrator and go to the Startup tab.
      • Uncheck any entries related to Adobe to prevent them from running at startup.
  2. Task Scheduler Adjustments:
    • Disable the ‘CCXProcess.exe’ in the Task Scheduler to stop background processes related to Adobe updates.
  3. Registry and System-Level Tweaks:
    • Modify registry settings cautiously to further restrict update processes, or search for ‘update api’ files and delete them to eliminate update triggers.

By following these steps, users can effectively manage and disable Adobe Creative Cloud updates on their Windows systems, ensuring control over software updates and system stability.

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Steps to Disable Adobe Updater on macOS

Accessing the Adobe Creative Cloud Packager

For system administrators, the initial step involves using the Adobe Creative Cloud Packager. This tool allows the disabling of update connections at the time of deployment, ensuring that updates are managed according to administrative preferences right from the start.

Creating the Admin Preference File

To disable updates for all users on a macOS machine, administrators need to create an admin preference file. This file will restrict access to updates from both the Help > Updates menu in Adobe applications and automatic update checks.

  1. Create a Plain-Text File:
    • Name the file AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs.dat.
    • Include the following content in the file:
      <property name=”Config.Updater.bEnabled” value=”false”/>
  2. Place the File in the Correct Directory:
    • Navigate to /Library/Application Support/Adobe/AAMUpdaterInventory/1.0/.
    • Save the AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs.dat file in this directory.

Disabling Updates Based on User Accounts

The process differs slightly depending on whether the action occurs at the time of installation or post-installation after the product has been used.

At Time of Installation

  1. Create a File for User-Specific Settings:
    • Name the file AdobeUpdaterPrefs.dat.
    • Add the following contents to manage update settings from the start:
      <property name=”Config.Updater.bEnabled” value=”false”/>
      <property name=”Config.Updater.bAutoCheck” value=”false”/>
      <property name=”Config.Updater.bAutoUpdate” value=”false”/>
  2. File Placement:
    • Store this file at /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Adobe/AAMUpdater/1.0/AdobeUpdaterPrefs.dat.

Post-Installation, Post-Product Usage

  1. Modify the Existing User-Specific File:
    • Adjust the AdobeUpdaterPrefs.dat file to include:
      <property name=”Config.Updater.bAutoCheck” value=”false”/>
  2. Update File Location:
    • Replace the existing file by saving it over the previous one at /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Adobe/AAMUpdater/1.0/AdobeUpdaterPrefs.dat.

By following these steps, macOS users can effectively manage and disable Adobe Creative Cloud updates, allowing for greater control over software update processes and system stability.

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Manual Update Process

Checking for Updates

  1. Launch the Creative Cloud Desktop App: This is the hub for all updates.
    • For direct access, use the shortcut or find it through the search feature on your computer.
  2. Navigate to the Updates Section:
    • Select ‘Updates’ from the left sidebar or choose ‘Apps > Manage updates’ from the right sidebar to view available updates.
  3. Review Available Updates:
    • The Updates screen displays all apps that require updates. You can see the current version of your apps and any available newer versions by clicking on the three-dot menu and selecting ‘Other Versions’.

Updating Individual Applications

  1. Manual Selection:
    • Hover over the update option next to your desired app. Click ‘Update’ to initiate the installation of the latest version or ‘Later’ to postpone the update.
  2. Complete the Update:
    • If the app is in use, it will update once closed. Ensure that no conflicting processes are running that might interrupt the update.
  3. Finalization:
    • After the update is installed, a dialog box will confirm the successful update. Click ‘Close’ to finish the process.

Using Adobe Remote Update Manager (RUM)

  1. Access RUM:
    • RUM can be launched from the Help menu of any Creative Cloud app or run remotely through command line or remote management tools.
  2. Execute Updates:
    • Use RUM to install updates directly by selecting the app you wish to update and clicking ‘Update’.

Manual Update via Adobe Website

  1. Visit the Creative Cloud Website:
  2. Download and Install:
    • Follow the prompts to download and install the updates manually, ensuring you have adequate space and no conflicting applications are running.

Troubleshooting Update Issues

  1. Check for Sufficient Storage:
    • If an update fails, ensure there is enough space on your device to accommodate the update. Free up space if necessary and attempt the update again.
  2. Close Conflicting Processes:
    • Identify and close any applications that might conflict with the update process before proceeding.

By following these steps, users can manually control the update process for Adobe Creative Cloud applications, ensuring updates are done at a convenient time and maintaining stability and compatibility with existing workflows.

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Enabling Adobe Auto Updater Again

To reactivate the automatic updates for Adobe Creative Cloud, follow these straightforward steps:

  1. Open the Creative Cloud Desktop App:
    • Locate and launch the Adobe Creative Cloud desktop application on your computer.
  2. Navigate to Preferences:
    • Click on the gear icon typically found at the upper right corner of the application window to access the settings menu.
  3. Access the ‘Apps’ Tab in Preferences:
    • Within the preferences menu, select the ‘Apps’ tab to manage settings related to application updates.
  4. Activate Auto Updates:
    • Turn on the ‘Auto Update’ switch within the ‘Apps’ tab. This action enables Adobe Creative Cloud to automatically download and install updates for your applications.
  5. Manage Individual Application Updates:
    • If desired, you can manage updates on a per-application basis. For instance, you might choose to activate auto-updates for Photoshop while keeping them turned off for Illustrator. This is done by toggling the auto-update option next to each application listed in your ‘Apps’ tab.

By following these steps, you ensure that your Adobe Creative Cloud applications remain up-to-date automatically, receiving all the latest features and security updates without manual intervention. This can greatly enhance both the functionality and security of your software suite.

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Best Practices for Managing Adobe Updates

Schedule Updates to Suit Workflow

To minimize disruptions, users can schedule updates during off-peak hours. This ensures that work processes are not interrupted by unexpected software changes. Implementing a scheduled update routine can be managed through the Adobe Admin Console or by setting preferences in individual applications.

Utilize Adobe’s Administrative Tools

Adobe provides several tools to help manage updates effectively:

  • Adobe Creative Cloud Packager and Admin Console: These tools allow administrators to disable auto-updates when deploying packages, ensuring that updates do not occur without prior testing and approval.
  • Remote Update Manager (RUM): This tool enables IT administrators to remotely invoke updates on user machines, providing control over when updates are applied.
  • Adobe Update Server Setup Tool (AUSST): For organizations wanting to host updates internally, AUSST allows the creation of an on-premise update server, syncing with Adobe’s updates for distribution within a private network.

Manage Installation and Uninstallation Processes

To maintain system stability and ensure compatibility:

  1. Test New Updates: Before rolling out new updates across the organization, test them in a controlled environment to validate functionality and compatibility.
  2. Script for Removing Old Versions: Utilize scripts to automate the removal of old application versions to free up system resources and avoid conflicts. A script like PaulHazelden’s can target individual Adobe apps for clean uninstallation.
  3. Backup and Restore: Always create backups of important files before updating applications. This protects your data against potential update errors or compatibility issues.

Optimize Update Settings for Individual Needs

Users can fine-tune their update settings to better fit their needs:

  • Selective Update Installation: Through the Creative Cloud desktop app, users can manage which applications to update and when, allowing them to skip certain updates or postpone them until a more convenient time.
  • Disable Automatic Removal of Older Versions: In the update settings, deselect the option “Remove Old Versions” to keep previous versions installed. This is crucial for projects that require legacy support.

Monitor and Adjust to Adobe’s Update Schedule

Adobe typically rolls out updates on a predictable schedule, which can be used to plan update sessions effectively:

  • Regular Update Checks: Keep track of Adobe’s release notes and update announcements. This can be managed through settings in the Adobe Admin Console where email notifications for new updates can be enabled.
  • Post-Update Housekeeping: After installing updates, perform necessary system checks and optimizations such as clearing cache and updating drivers to ensure that the software runs smoothly.

By following these best practices, users and administrators can manage Adobe updates more effectively, ensuring that the software enhancements provided by Adobe translate into increased productivity and improved user experiences without disrupting existing workflows.

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Alternatives to Disabling Adobe Updater

For users seeking alternatives to disabling the Adobe Creative Cloud updater, several options can be considered to manage updates more effectively without completely turning them off. These alternatives provide flexibility, allowing users to maintain control over their software environment while still benefiting from Adobe’s updates.

Purchase Photoshop Elements

For those who only require basic functionalities of Photoshop, purchasing Photoshop Elements might be a viable alternative. This version is available as a perpetual license, which means it does not require frequent updates and offers a stable platform for users who do not need the full suite of features provided by the regular Adobe Photoshop.

Utilize Adobe’s One-Time Payment Option

Adobe offers a one-time payment option for users who prefer a stable version of the software without the hassle of frequent updates. This option is particularly suitable for users who need a consistent software environment without the need to continuously upgrade to the latest version.

Adobe Creative Cloud Packager

The Adobe Creative Cloud Packager provides a solution for system administrators and enterprise users. This tool allows for the creation of custom packages with update preferences set as desired. Administrators can use this to disable the Desktop App or updates, tailoring the installation to the specific needs of their organization.

Disable Auto Updates in Creative Cloud App

Individual users can choose to disable auto-updates directly through the Adobe Creative Cloud application. By launching the app and toggling the Auto Update button to off, users can prevent the software from automatically downloading and installing updates.

Advanced Settings for IT Administrators

Adobe provides detailed guidance for IT administrators on how to disable auto-updates across an organization. This can be achieved by following the instructions provided on Adobe’s official support page, which outlines steps to modify application manager settings to suit the update policies of the organization.

Manual Deletion of Update Files

Some users have found that deleting specific Adobe update files can effectively stop the updater. While this method was suggested by a user in the Adobe Community, it is a more drastic measure and should be used with caution as it involves modifying installation files.

By exploring these alternatives, users can find the right balance between receiving important updates and maintaining control over their software installation and usage. Each method offers different advantages depending on the user’s specific requirements and technical environment.


Throughout this guide, we have explored comprehensive strategies for managing Adobe Creative Cloud updates, offering users and administrators alike a variety of methods to tailor update processes to their specific needs. From delving into the reasons behind disabling automatic updates to presenting step-by-step instructions for both Windows and macOS systems, the article has aimed to equip readers with the knowledge to control their software environment effectively. These insights not only enable a more stable and efficient use of Adobe applications but also ensure that users can maintain their preferred workflows without interruption.

Reflecting on the broader implications, the ability to manage updates manually or through strategic automation plays a crucial role in optimizing creative operations and system performance. Whether through adopting alternative solutions, leveraging Adobe’s administrative tools, or implementing best practices for update management, the guidance provided here reinforces the importance of a customized approach to software updates. This perspective not only enhances individual and organizational productivity but also underscores the significance of having control over one’s digital tools in a rapidly evolving technological landscape.


How can I prevent Adobe Creative Cloud from automatically updating?
To stop Adobe Creative Cloud from updating automatically on Windows, click the icon in the taskbar. Then, click the Account icon in the upper right corner and select Preferences. Choose Apps from the left menu. Here, you can either disable auto-updates for all applications at once with the Auto-update toggle button or disable auto-updates individually for each application.

What steps should I take to disable Adobe Updater indefinitely?
To permanently disable Adobe Updater, you would typically access the Creative Cloud desktop app’s preferences and adjust the auto-update settings. However, specific steps may vary depending on your operating system and the version of the Adobe software you are using.

How do I turn off the Adobe Photoshop Updater on Windows 10?
To disable the Adobe Photoshop Updater on Windows 10, open the Creative Cloud desktop app and navigate to the preferences section. Click on Apps and find the dialogue window for Apps. There, you can switch off the Auto-updates button. Remember to click Done to ensure your changes are saved.

What should I do to completely stop using Adobe Creative Cloud?
To completely stop using Adobe Creative Cloud, start by uninstalling all Creative Cloud apps from your device, such as Photoshop, Illustrator, and Premiere Pro. Once all Creative Cloud apps are uninstalled, you can then uninstall the Creative Cloud desktop app itself.

Daniel Long

Daniel Long

About Author

Daniel Long, as a writer, delves into the realm of emerging technologies and business solutions, with a particular emphasis on optimizing efficiency and fostering growth. He educational background includes a Bachelor's degree in English from the University of California, Irvine, and he furthered his knowledge by attaining an MBA from Chapman University. This combination of expertise allows him to offer valuable insights into the ever-evolving business landscape.

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